Hampton Hill Junior School

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About Hampton Hill Junior School

Name Hampton Hill Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Zoe Brittain
Address St James’s Avenue, Hampton Hill, Hampton, TW12 1HW
Phone Number 02089793019
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 346
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is a welcoming place where pupils are happy, well behaved and safe. They enjoy their learning and achieve the high standards that leaders expect of them. The school prioritises pupils' well-being.

Pupils have staff they can go to if they have any worries. At breaktime, pupil 'mental health ambassadors' in the playground work alongside 'friendship buddies' and support their peers with making friends and managing any conflicts.

Staff make sure that all pupils have the same opportunities to access the curriculum, including residential trips.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported by staff who know them well....

Pupils are encouraged to be active citizens. All pupils are involved in school council discussions.

They put forward suggested improvements to the school and vote on decisions. All pupils have an opportunity to take on leadership roles, such as monitors for stationary, recycling and librarians. Older pupils enjoy looking after the school's chickens.

The school offers a wide range of clubs to develop pupils' talents and interests. These include various sports, Spanish, coding, gardening and meditation.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious.

Pupils study a wide range of subjects across Years 3 to 6. Leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge and skills that pupils need to develop over time in each subject. The order in which subject content is taught is logical and adapted to suit pupils' needs.

For example, in mathematics, pupils in Year 3 are taught fractions before they are taught to tell the time. This helps pupils to apply their understanding of fractions when using terms such as 'quarter to' and 'half past' the hour.

Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to build on previously taught content.

For example, in history, pupils in Year 4 recalled their prior learning in Year 3 about the fall of the Roman Empire to help them understand the chronology of the Anglo-Saxon period. Staff check that pupils have remembered key concepts and address any misconceptions if they arise. Typically, teachers present information clearly and have secure subject knowledge.

At times, the work that pupils are given to do does not support the intended learning as effectively.

The school provides effective support for pupils with SEND. Staff understand pupils' individual needs.

They break learning down into manageable small steps and provide additional support if needed so that all pupils can succeed.

Over time, pupils at the early stage of learning to read are well supported. Staff help pupils to become fluent and confident readers quickly.

However, recently the school introduced a new approach to teaching phonics. Staff are still getting used to delivering the new programme. There is more work to do to ensure that everybody has the expertise and resources to implement the new approach consistently well.

Across the school, pupils read regularly. They enjoy the 'everyone one reads in class' sessions. The playground library is well stocked and is a popular place for pupils to go to during lunchtime.

Classrooms are calm and pupils are mostly attentive and focused on their learning. Pupils attend school regularly. Leaders are tenacious in their work with parents and carers to encourage high attendance rates.

The leadership team is supportive of staff and ensures that staff are happy and have a manageable workload.

Pupils are taught about different types of families and relationships education in an age-appropriate way. For example, by Year 6, pupils have been taught the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships, the importance of respect and the significance of consent.

The school teaches pupils about the differences between people. For example, in art, pupils are introduced to artists who represent different cultures and backgrounds.

Pupils enjoy taking part in whole-school debates about 'big questions' each week.

Pupils in Year 6 take part in the 'Fiver Challenge', where they test their enterprise skills. The school arranges a range of educational outings throughout the year, including to local museums and art galleries.

The governing body is closely involved with the school and rightly proud of what the school has achieved.

The governing body carries out its statutory duties effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff are unfamiliar with the school's new phonics programme and resources that have recently been introduced.

Leaders should ensure that the new programme is implemented consistently by all staff so that pupils who are learning to read benefit from a consistent approach to practising phonics. ? Sometimes, teachers plan activities which do not enable pupils to learn the intended subject curriculum as well as they might. The school should ensure that work given to pupils is carefully selected to enable them to practise and learn the intended curriculum.

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