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Pupils are proud of their community and develop a great sense of belonging to the school. Pupils get on well with each other.
The school is a calm and stimulating place to learn. They arrive each day enthusiastic to play with friends and eager to learn. Pupils build strong working relationships with staff and fellow pupils.
This helps pupils to feel happy and safe.
Pupils learn a broad and interesting curriculum. They benefit from skilled teaching across the subjects they learn.
All pupils achieve highly. They get a rich diet of experiences, including visiting the school's own 'wilderness' woodlands, which help them understand the wider world and the...ir place within it.
Pupils feel safe and trust adults to listen and help them with any worries they have.
Staff are vigilant and quick to deal with any issues should they arise.
Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs, such as gymnastics and dance. They have many opportunities to take on responsibilities, such as becoming part of the recycling team or members of the school council.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from an ambitious, inclusive and aspirational curriculum. Leaders make sure that subjects are well planned and sequenced. Learning builds on key content, including pupils' interests.
For example, pupils learn about their diverse backgrounds and the environment all around them. Carefully chosen texts, stories and art work complement and celebrate this work. Pupils attend school regularly, and rapidly develop a love of learning.
Staff regularly check what pupils know, including for those with SEND. Teachers ensure pupils learn important knowledge and skills sequentially. They regularly check on pupils' understanding of key vocabulary.
Pupils make links to their learning across subjects such as history and art. This helps pupils to deepen their subject-specific understanding. Learning for pupils with SEND is adapted appropriately to meet their needs closely.
Children develop language quickly when they start at the Nursery. Adults are attentive and skilfully support children to develop vocabulary, knowledge and social skills through their play. Children read familiar books and share stories together.
This ensures that they can communicate with confidence. Adults provide clear routines. The early years curriculum is exciting.
Children find tasks and activities that interest them. For example, children happily explained about the bugs they found in the woods and the interesting fish recipe they designed in the kitchen.
Staff and pupils share a love of reading.
Pupils read a wide range of texts with increasing fluency and accuracy. Books that pupils read match the sounds they learn, which helps them to gain confidence. All staff benefit from the training they receive to teach phonics and reading very well.
If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to help them to catch up quickly.
Pupils behave exceptionally well. They learn to follow the school's values and expectations quickly.
Pupils demonstrate high levels of maturity and care for each other. Staff encourage pupils to work with patience and to never give up. Pupils play exceptionally well together, learning to take turns and to listen to each other carefully.
Leaders place pupils' personal development at the centre of all the school does. Leaders work closely with the community and parents to bring this about. The curriculum for developing pupils' personal, social and health education is planned and sequenced with care.
Pupils, including children in the Reception Year, are taught to work together, listen and respect different points of view, cultures and religions. Pupils develop their sense of character by raising money for charities. They understand that people are different and why it is important to treat everyone equally.
Leaders and governors are ambitious for the school. They are highly effective in improving the school and follow the same ethos consistently. Leaders work closely with families to ensure that pupils' attendance remains high.
Staff value the high-quality training and the range of support from leaders to manage their workload and well-being. Staff are proud to work at the school.