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This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Mrs Rio Farrier
West Park Avenue, Loftus, SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA, TS13 4RL
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Redcar and Cleveland
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
What is it like to attend this school?
The pupils we spoke to said that they love coming to school.
They could not suggest any ways in which the school could be better. Pupils like their teachers because they say that staff are very patient and explain things carefully. Pupils said that all staff treat pupils with respect.
Pupils were crystal clear that behaviour in school has improved. They put this down to the three new simple rules that everyone knows. Pupils are sure that there is no bullying in school, although pupils say that bullying may happen out of school.
Pupils speak highly of the extra things they do before and after school. They enjoy singing in the school choir, led by the choirmast...er. Pupils know how to eat healthily and keep fit.
During the inspection, many pupils attended the 'morning motivate' exercise session before school. They stretched and completed exercises dressed as wizards and witches as part of the school's focus on wizardry in books. Pupils value the chance to be part of the school council, be a 'play leader' or carry out a monitor's job in class.
Staff work hard to ensure that nothing stops pupils from learning. Teachers want pupils to aim high in life and achieve well.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are relentless in their efforts to ensure that the school improves.
All staff share leaders' ambition to provide the best education for pupils. There is a strong sense of teamwork throughout the school. Governors know the school well.
They hold leaders to account and are totally committed to the school. Leaders make every effort to support teachers. Teachers say that they have enough time to get their work completed.
This ensures that staff can do their jobs well.
Since the previous inspection, leaders have improved many parts of the curriculum. Leaders have placed a significant focus on reading and on writing.
Pupils are achieving more in these areas. Staff are now focusing more on the mathematics curriculum. In reading, writing and mathematics, pupils understand the important concepts.
This is because teachers are clear about what pupils should know and understand. Lessons are planned well. This helps pupils to build on what they already know.
Pupils are achieving more now across most parts of the school. Every Year 6 pupil reached the expected standard in reading last year.
Leaders have made sure that learning is well planned and sequenced in subjects such as science and geography.
In these subjects, important ideas and areas of learning are taught in the right order to make sure that pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need. Leaders are working to ensure that this is the case for all subjects.
Over time, too many younger pupils have not been confident readers at the end of Year 1.
However, the teaching of phonics is stronger now. Leaders have a clear commitment to making pupils' early reading skills even better. Reading is a high priority for the school.
During the inspection, a group of children in Nursery made up a rhyme about making 'silly soup' with objects beginning with the letter 'b'. Pupils had a biscuit, a bus, a ball and a box in the pot. Teachers ensure that pupils learn, remember and blend sounds together effectively.
More time has been given to phonics teaching recently. Pupils who fall behind are given extra support. Reading books are well matched to pupils' reading skills.
This means that some pupils are able to read books with confidence on their own.
The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. All pupils with SEND have access to the full curriculum.
Staff adapt work so that it meets pupils' individual needs. This helps pupils with SEND to achieve more over time. The 'small learning community' resource in school embodies the school's inclusive approach by making sure that learning is accessible to all.
Behaviour in every area of the school is good. Children in the two-year-old provision work independently. During the inspection, the children were so engrossed in activities that they did not notice inspectors at all.
Nursery children are curious and active. Pupils' behaviour in all classes and at breaktimes is calm and sensible. They are friendly, polite and well mannered.
Pupils are determined to try their best. Very little off-task behaviour was seen. The number of exclusions in school has fallen sharply.
Pupils' positive attitudes to their learning help them to succeed.
Pupils take on roles in school with enthusiasm and play a key role in the life of the school. They have the chance to visit many places of interest linked to what they are learning.
Lessons allow pupils to be reflective regarding issues such as faith. Pupils explore the lives, faiths and cultures of other people. They talk about respect and tolerance for each other.
Pupils discuss and debate issues in class maturely. Pupils get the chance to explore moral and ethical dilemmas in an age-appropriate way.
Leaders are determined to improve pupils' attendance.
Much work has been done to encourage regular attendance. This includes a range of rewards and incentives for good attendance. However, there is some way to go before pupils' rates of attendance match those found nationally.
A large proportion of absence is because pupils go on holiday in term time.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff are well trained and know how to keep children safe.
The regular updates for staff from leaders give them information about risks to watch out for. All staff, including those with designated responsibility for safeguarding, know pupils and their families well. Staff are vigilant in their oversight of pupils' welfare and safety.
Concerns are detailed and recorded on the school's online system effectively.
Leaders and staff provide effective support for pupils' mental health and emotional well-being. Where appropriate, staff communicate with outside agencies when raising concerns.
Pupils have a secure knowledge about the dangers they may face when out of school and how to stay safe.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to plan next year's curriculum and train staff in how to deliver it that they are in the process of bringing this about.
Some subject plans show that key ideas and concepts are carefully organised so that pupils' learning builds progressively. This is especially the case in science, geography and physical education (PE), as well as in mathematics and English. Leaders must ensure that the curriculum in all subjects is equally as strong.
. Some pupils struggle to remember the content they have been taught over time. These pupils are unable to explain how previous learning helps them with the new learning they are taught.
Some pupils are unable to make sense of the new learning they are acquiring. Leaders must make sure that pupils receive regular and deliberate opportunities in lessons and throughout the curriculum so that pupils remember important knowledge and key skills for longer. .
Over time, too many pupils have started Year 2 having not reached the expected standard in reading. Leaders must ensure that the newly introduced phonics strategies are implemented consistently and effectively so that pupils at the end of Year 1 read confidently and at the standard expected for their age. .
Pupils' rates of attendance continue to be below average. Leaders have introduced many strategies to address this. Leaders must now make sure that attendance strategies have a positive effect so that pupils' rates of attendance improve and the proportion of persistent absentees declines.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.