Harborne Academy

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About Harborne Academy

Name Harborne Academy
Website http://www.harborneacademy.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Ross
Address Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3JL
Phone Number 01214642737
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 605
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The sponsor and governors have acted swiftly and decisively since the last inspection. They are well informed and are effectively driving improvement.

The newly appointed headteacher and her senior team have made rapid changes to the school. These have quickly improved the quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils. Leaders have established well-thought out systems for monitoring and developing a range of features, such as behaviour, safeguarding, the quality of teaching and attendance.

Pupils in Years 8 and 9 have limited access to effective careers guidance. In lessons, teachers consistently set work that is well matched to pupils' abi...lities. This means that work is both accessible and suitably challenging.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. Teachers and pupils agree that it has improved, and that lessons are rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. Progress, destinations and work experience for vocational students in the sixth form are very strong.

Students in the sixth form do not participate regularly in extra-curricular activities because : opportunities for this are limited. In key stage 3 science, the curriculum is weak. It does not allow pupils to develop the skills and knowledge that they need for GCSE.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. Harborne Academy is a smaller than average-sized secondary school with a small sixth form.

The majority of pupils who attend the school live outside of its catchment area. The academy is sponsored by Birmingham Metropolitan College. The proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding is well above the national average.

Deprivation is in the highest 20% of schools nationally. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is higher than the national average. The sixth form is a medical academy and specialises in helping students to gain the qualifications and skills needed to go on to a range of medical professions.

Since the last full inspection, a new headteacher and deputy headteacher have been appointed. The school does not use any alternative provision. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for attainment and progress.

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