Harlow Green Community Primary School

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About Harlow Green Community Primary School

Name Harlow Green Community Primary School
Website http://www.harlowgreen.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Mustafaa Malik
Address Harlow Green Lane, Gateshead, NE9 7TB
Phone Number 01914876703
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 405
Local Authority Gateshead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils make a great start to their education at Harlow Green Community Primary School. Their experience matches the school's vision of 'growing happy, healthy and successful, together'.

All pupils receive a warm welcome and are quick to settle into routines. They play happily and enjoy their learning in lessons, in clubs and in forest school.

Pupils feel safe.

They know when to ask staff for help. Staff know pupils well. They take time to listen and are quick to deal with any issues.

Bullying is extremely rare. Pupils learn how to respect each other's feelings. They behave well in all areas of the school.

Leaders and staff are ambitious for ...all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils have appropriate support to ensure that they are ready to learn. This includes support for their mental health from trained staff and visiting specialists.

Pupils learn how to stay physically healthy and enjoy a wide range of sporting opportunities.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to gaps in pupils' mathematical knowledge. In some year groups, these gaps remain.

These year groups are receiving extra tuition which is helping them catch up. Aside from these gaps, pupils have a secure knowledge of the curriculum. They show considerable understanding of what they have learned.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils to succeed academically. They provide staff with highly effective training and support. As a result, staff have strong subject knowledge.

They use this to overcome barriers to pupils' learning.

Leaders have produced clear plans for each subject. Teachers know what content they need to cover and what pupils have learned before.

Teachers use 'linking learning' sessions to relate current learning to previous learning. Teachers also use strategies such as quizzes and reviews to check pupils' understanding. This helps staff provide immediate support for pupils at risk of falling behind.

Pupils develop a thorough knowledge of the curriculum. For example, pupils use their knowledge of Islam and Christianity to discuss attitudes to prayer. As a result of their studies about Romans, Vikings and the Second World War, pupils understand key historical concepts such as invasion.

Leaders develop effective plans to support pupils with SEND. Teachers use these plans to help pupils with SEND achieve well and keep up with their peers. Teachers use methods such as short interventions, visual prompts and specialist equipment.

This ensures that all pupils can learn without being too dependent on adult support. Leaders also work with parents and external agencies to support pupils with SEND.

Leaders prioritise reading.

Children in the Nursery class take home 'chatter sacks' containing books and activities. They enjoy a wide range of stories, songs and rhymes. As a result, children are ready to begin learning phonics in the Reception class.

Leaders have implemented a phonics programme and have trained staff in its use. Pupils read books matched to the sounds they know. They hear lots of stories and poems in their lessons.

Most pupils become fluent readers by the time they leave key stage 1. Pupils who struggle to learn phonics receive extra sessions until they catch up.

Many pupils enjoy mathematics.

Pupils in Years 3 and 4 faced significant disruption to their learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In these year groups, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This is because they have not had enough opportunities to solve problems.

Leaders have introduced extra problem-solving opportunities into the mathematics curriculum. They have also provided extra mathematics lessons for pupils who need them.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils understand and follow the 'ready, respectful, safe' rules. Adults in the school are positive role models. The curriculum offers plenty of opportunities for pupils to live up to the school rules.

Pupils learn about different cultures in religious education (RE) and assemblies. Pupils elected as rights-respecting officers play a high-profile role. They organise fundraising for local charities and work with leaders to improve aspects of the school.

A wide range of well-attended clubs help pupils discover new interests and develop their social skills. Pupils look after the school chickens and learn to manage risk in the forest school.

Children are quick to settle into the early years.

Leaders work closely with parents. Staff understand the needs of each child starting in the nursery class. The curriculum is well designed.

Staff weave learning throughout regular routines. Children sing number rhymes as they play. They practise using new words when they take part in activities.

Leaders plan activities that build on children's previous learning. For example, visits from dental students add to previous learning about oral hygiene. Children are well prepared socially and academically when they start in key stage 1.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders maintain effective safeguarding processes in school. They ensure that staff receive regular training that includes local safeguarding issues.

Leaders have strong relationships with parents and with external agencies. They are not afraid to challenge and support when safeguarding concerns arise. Leaders' actions when pupils fail to attend or move to different schools are appropriate.

Pupils learn how to stay safe in school and the community. They receive regular lessons in online safety. They are confident in reporting concerns to trusted adults or through class worry boxes.

Governors have a thorough understanding of school safeguarding arrangements. They provide strong strategic oversight of the school's work.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils in Years 3 and 4 have gaps in their mathematics knowledge.

They struggle to remember what they have been taught. This is because they require more opportunities to embed their learning by solving problems. Leaders should continue to ensure that problem-solving is a regular feature for all pupils in mathematics lessons and continue their efforts to make sure pupils with gaps in their knowledge catch up.

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