Harris Academy Greenwich

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About Harris Academy Greenwich

Name Harris Academy Greenwich
Website http://www.harrisgreenwich.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jack Docherty
Address Middle Park Avenue, Eltham, London, SE9 5EQ
Phone Number 02088590133
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1167
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils receive an education rich in knowledge, complemented by excellent provision to support their personal development. Leaders actively seek ways to improve life chances for the pupils in their care. They are passionate about their duty to support the local community.

A culture of high aspirations for all provides the foundations for pupils to flourish in their learning. Together with staff, leaders aim to help all pupils 'step into their greatness'. This vision is put into practice through a demanding, stimulating curriculum across all subjects.

Teachers are experts in their subjects and well qualified. They make sure that all pupils acquire deep, secure knowledge... and achieve consistently well.

Pupils enjoy school and feel safe.

They are well supported by staff. In lessons, pupils typically work hard and appreciate the support and guidance staff provide. On the rare occasions that bullying occurs, it is dealt with effectively by staff.

Parents and carers appreciate the way in which the school combines strong pastoral care with high expectations for academic achievement. They value the way leaders and staff understand and cater for each pupil's individual needs and circumstances, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Parents also spoke positively about leaders' work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have put in place an exemplary curriculum. They continually evolve the curriculum so that it meets pupils' needs and aspirations. This includes making adaptations to what is taught and retaught in the light of disruptions during the pandemic.

Pupils, parents and staff value and support leaders' determination to create a culture of high ambition.

In Years 7, 8 and 9, pupils learn a broad range of subjects. Ensuring that pupils acquire deep knowledge is at the core of leaders' curriculum design.

For example, in art and design, pupils learn to apply a range of techniques expertly. They are able to confidently discuss and reflect on the effects of different styles and artists.

The curriculum remains broad for all after Year 9.

Nearly 90% of pupils study a humanities subject and a language. Leaders prioritise the rich curriculum offer as a way of making sure that pupils have a wide range of opportunities available to them after Year 11. Leaders' ambition fully extends to pupils with SEND.

Leaders provide a comprehensive programme of training and guidance to develop and enhance teachers' expertise. As a result, the curriculum is taught by staff who are both experts in, and passionate about, their subject. Leaders have also developed approaches to assessment that are helpful and purposeful.

Teachers check what pupils understand and remember, and make sure that pupils are ready to move on in their learning. For example, in languages, pupils are given regular opportunities to practise and apply new vocabulary that they have learned. Leaders are quick to spot and address any aspects of the curriculum that could be strengthened and refined.

This means that pupils' work is of a consistently high quality across all subjects.

In the sixth form too, students master their subjects in great depth. They articulate their knowledge with confidence.

They also benefit from highly targeted careers advice, as well as a range of experiences designed to broaden their horizons. For example, all students had an assembly from journalists from a major newspaper, and will have the chance to attend work experience there.

Leaders intervene early to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met.

For example, pupils who need help to become fluent readers receive targeted additional support. Teachers reflect thoughtfully on the needs of their pupils and share any concerns. Pupils with SEND receive the support they need to access the full curriculum, and achieve well.

Ambition for learning is matched by high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Clear and consistent systems for managing behaviour mean that there is little disruption to learning. Leaders have identified that some pupils have struggled with routines and expectations following the disruptions caused by the pandemic.

Support tailored to individual circumstances and needs is beginning to help these pupils settle back into school life. Leaders are also working effectively to secure further improvements in attendance and punctuality.

Beyond the academic aspects of the curriculum, leaders plan a wide and rich set of experiences for all pupils.

They make sure that all pupils take advantage of these, including pupils with SEND and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Opportunities include those for sports, music, careers and debating. In addition, leaders have put in place a well-planned curriculum that aims to promote pupils' development as informed, responsible and tolerant citizens.

Careers education is comprehensive and highly aspirational.

School leaders are committed to their pupils and the wider community. They are supported and challenged by a dedicated governing body as well as the trust.

Staff feel well supported by leaders, and value how their workload is considered.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors have embedded a culture of safeguarding.

All staff are well trained to recognise, record and report concerns. Leaders respond to and manage any concerns effectively, including working with external agencies where necessary.

Leaders have invested in additional resources and staffing to promote pupils' well-being and to support those pupils who may be particularly vulnerable.

They educate pupils about safety. For example, pupils are aware of risks around online safety and peer-on-peer abuse, and how to report their concerns.

Pupils feel safe and well supported by adults in the school.

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