Harris Academy Wimbledon

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About Harris Academy Wimbledon

Name Harris Academy Wimbledon
Website http://www.harriswimbledon.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Joanne Larizadeh
Address 59 High Path, London, SW19 2JY
Phone Number 02039624300
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 962
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school are encouraged to make a difference to their own lives and those of others. Leaders enable this by providing pupils with a broad and highly ambitious curriculum, which includes a range of academic and creative subjects.

All pupils also participate in a wide selection of enrichment activities. Pupils attend these regularly. They appreciate how the experiences on offer aim to help them to become responsible and well-rounded members of society.

Staff and governors are committed to ensuring that all pupils realise their potential.

Pupils are happy in school. They enjoy their learning immensely.

Leaders have created an inclusive comm...unity, where all pupils feel valued. Pupils celebrate the diversity of their school. They told inspectors that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

The school provides a safe environment for pupils.

Staff have consistently high expectations of behaviour and pupils rise to meet these. Lessons are calm and pupils focus on their learning.

At breaktimes and between lessons, pupils manage their own behaviour very well. Pupils learn about bullying and mutual respect in their human and life skills course. Pupils were keen to tell inspectors that bullying is not tolerated here.

Teachers deal with any concerns swiftly and, as a result, bullying rarely happens.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Providing an exceptional and aspirational curriculum is at the centre of leaders' work. They have planned and sequenced subjects in a way that increases pupils' knowledge progressively over time.

For example, in geography, pupils in Year 8 learn about different types of rock and their resistance and porosity when learning about coasts. In Year 9, pupils then apply this knowledge to their study of the Happisburgh coastline in Norfolk. Leaders have clearly defined what pupils need to know and remember in each topic.

They make sure that pupils can build on this in future learning. Across all subjects, this approach is consistently strong and secure.

Teachers are experts in their subjects, and they explain new ideas and concepts clearly.

They highlight key vocabulary and make sure that pupils understand it before moving on. Throughout the school, teachers consistently check that pupils know and remember the key knowledge that they will need to progress successfully through the curriculum. Teachers are alert to any gaps in pupils' learning and they make sure that these are filled.

When teachers deliver more complex ideas, they break them into smaller chunks to help pupils understand. Pupils remember in depth what they have learned. In turn, this means that they are very well prepared for their next stage of learning.

Leaders are quick to identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Subject leaders plan carefully for all pupils to study the same subject content. They do this by organising learning into clearly defined small steps.

This helps pupils with SEND to understand and remember the knowledge needed for their future learning. Leaders also promptly identify pupils who struggle with their reading. These pupils benefit from a comprehensive reading support programme, which helps them to catch up.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary, with clear emphasis given to developing pupils' character and wider skills. All pupils in Years 7 to 9 have well-designed enrichment activities woven into the school week. These activities are planned expertly to enhance the taught curriculum.

In Year 9, all pupils undertake the Duke of Edinburgh's programme. This is complemented further by an impressive range of extra-curricular clubs and activities. Nearly all pupils attend at least one activity.

From Year 7 onwards, pupils receive careers information delivered through a carefully designed programme. Leaders and staff ensure that pupils are fully aware of the range of options available to them after Year 11.

Pupils are well mannered and respectful to each other and to staff.

Their attitude to learning is exceptional. Pupils waste no time settling down to the task in hand and consistently produce work of a high standard. Learning in the classroom is rarely disrupted.

The school is extremely well led and managed at all levels. Governors are knowledgeable about the school and have the skills to hold leaders to account. They are well trained and supported by the trust.

Staff benefit from an extensive range of training opportunities. They particularly enjoy the paired coaching scheme developed by leaders. They also feel that leaders are considerate of their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Through staff training and support, leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Leaders have a good understanding of their local context and they share this with staff.

As a result, staff are alert to the potential risks facing pupils as well as indicators of harm.

Good working relationships with outside agencies help leaders to make sure that pupils and their families receive the support they need. Leaders also ensure that all statutory pre-employment vetting checks are carried out when recruiting new staff.

Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe through the human and life skills course. School assemblies also cover themes related to staying safe. Pupils know who to speak to if they have concerns about themselves or their friends.

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