Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich

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About Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich

Name Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich
Website http://www.harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Jo Young
Address Homestall Road, London, SE22 0NR
Phone Number 02077322276
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 871
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this exceptional school. They are polite, confident and hard working. Working relationships between staff and pupils are extremely positive.

Staff know their pupils very well and, as a result, pupils are safe and happy in school.

Leaders have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They are determined that all pupils will excel.

As a result, all pupils in the school achieve extremely well.

Behaviour in the school is very positive. During lessons, pupils are focused, enthusiastic and committed to their learning.

They are proud of their school community and s...upport each other well. Pastoral support in the school is extremely strong. Pupils have a broad range of staff to help them if required.

This includes making appointments at the school 'health hut'.

Pupils have access to a wide range of extra opportunities in the school. All pupils in the lower school learn a musical instrument.

They can also access a variety of clubs, including poetry and cooking. The school provides pupils with a range of sports teams. In the sixth form, all students take part in weekly enrichment opportunities.

These include various sporting activities, a law society and first-aid training.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a highly ambitious curriculum. This includes extremely strong support for pupils with SEND.

The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils develop their subject-specific knowledge and skills very effectively.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information very clearly. Extremely effective adaptations are made to ensure that pupils with SEND access the curriculum successfully.

Teachers are highly skilled at checking pupils' understanding and addressing any misconceptions swiftly.

Teachers have exceptionally high standards for the work that pupils produce. As a result, pupils' work is consistently of a high standard.

Pupils have a deep understanding of what they are learning. They confidently use subject-specific vocabulary and are able to apply their learning confidently.

The school swiftly identifies pupils who may struggle with reading.

Staff identify pupils' individual needs and put in place bespoke support quickly. This ensures pupils make rapid improvements to their reading fluency and confidence. Staff enable pupils in the school to develop a genuine love of reading.

They read both academic texts and books for pleasure every week. The school has its own bookshop, which is run by pupils to help further develop an enthusiasm for reading.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are extremely positive.

Systems to support pupils' behaviour are clear and applied consistently by staff. Leaders ensure that pupils' attendance is high. They communicate effectively with parents and have robust procedures in place to enable pupils to attend school regularly.

Leaders have developed a carefully considered personal development programme. Pupils attend daily 'coaching' sessions where they learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. Staff are extremely proficient at assessing pupils' understanding during these sessions and put in place extra sessions if required.

Pupils attend a broad range of outings each year. These are carefully designed to compliment the curriculum. They include visits to various museums, concerts and places of historical significance.

The school also regularly welcomes external speakers and workshops. These include theatre groups and visits from an author and an artist.

Leaders make sure that all pupils access high-quality careers advice and guidance.

All pupils have the opportunity to attend work experience. A range of talks and workshops ensure that pupils are well informed about their future options. Students in the sixth form receive high-quality guidance to support their future education and employment.

Leaders prioritise the health and welfare of their staff. They are conscious of the pressures of workload and explore strategies to minimise this where possible. Leaders have developed an exceptional professional development programme.

This leads to sustained and continuous improvement in the quality of education. The governing body understands the strengths and priorities of the school and carries out its role effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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