Harris Primary Academy Croydon

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About Harris Primary Academy Croydon

Name Harris Primary Academy Croydon
Website http://www.harrisprimarycroydon.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Zainab Ladak
Address Thomson Crescent, Croydon, CR0 3JT
Phone Number 02086897688
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 417
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

All pupils at Harris Primary Academy Croydon flourish.

The trust's vision of 'excellence: every child, every day' permeates through each aspect of this exceptional school. Pupils, parents and carers, staff and trust leaders are incredibly proud of their school.

Pupils and staff live by the school's three golden rules: show respect, take responsibility and always make the right choice.

This results in a school where pupils take their learning very seriously. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They show kindness and care towards one another.

They feel safe and are kept safe.

Leaders and staff are aspirational for every pupil, including those with... special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is realised in pupils' excellent academic achievement as well as the very strong provision for personal development.

The school's 'community champions' initiative is central to the work to promote pupils' broader development. Through the monthly core themes, pupils learn about national and global events. Pupils develop an active role in their community through the opportunities to raise money for local charities.

Each year, they experience the democratic process in action by voting for the charity they want to support. By the time they leave the school, each pupil will have experienced the 'Croydon 10'. Through this, they get to take part in enriching activities in the local community, such as riding on the tram and going to the local theatre.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils benefit from a highly ambitious curriculum that matches, and in some areas exceeds, the expectations of the national curriculum. What pupils study is rich, broad and balanced. Curriculum thinking clearly sets out the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn and remember.

For all subjects, there are clear sequences of learning. These focus on making sure that pupils routinely revisit their learning and, step by step, deepen their understanding. This approach starts in the early years, where children get off to a flying start.

The curriculum ensures that children are exceptionally well supported to develop the knowledge and skills they need in readiness for Year 1 and beyond. Highly skilled staff use every opportunity to reinforce and revisit learning, both when children are at play or taking part in focused activities. Teaching children new words and modelling how to use them underpin the curriculum's effectiveness.

This is clear in the way adults choose and use resources and activities. Children's communication skills build very well.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

This is because of the trust's investment in staff training, as well as the trust's comprehensive resources to support teaching.

Teachers regularly check what pupils know and can remember. This means that misconceptions and gaps in learning are quickly identified and addressed.

Staff are highly alert to pupils that need extra support. Pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their peers. Thorough and accurate identification of pupils' needs enables teachers to adapt the learning and provide timely and effective extra support.

This work is sharply focused on making sure that pupils with SEND achieve the ambitious curriculum goals.

The teaching of reading is an absolute priority. All staff understand that becoming a fluent reader is the gateway to all other learning.

They are relentless in their drive to get all pupils reading confidently as quickly as possible. Learning to read starts as soon as children begin school. A consistently implemented approach to phonics means that pupils quickly learn the sounds that letters make.

To build fluency and accuracy, pupils get plentiful practice in using the sounds that they have been taught to read and spell words. The books pupils read are closely matched to the sounds that they know. Any pupil that is falling behind is quickly identified.

They are given extra support for as long as is necessary for them to become confident, fluent readers. Pupils develop a love for reading through daily story-time sessions and books are promoted and available in every area of the school.

The shared and consistent expectations for pupils' behaviour result in calm and focused learning environments.

Very little low-level disruption occurs in lessons and, if it does, adults deal with it immediately. This sharp focus on their learning, helps all pupils to achieve highly across the curriculum.

The provision for pupils' personal development is excellent.

Pupils are taught about treating everyone fairly and celebrating diversity. This helps them to understand that people will have different beliefs to their own. They value the opportunity to take on roles of responsibility, such as being a member of the school council.

The wide range of clubs that they can attend are carefully selected to develop their talents and interests. These clubs are well attended and leaders make sure that every pupil is included.

The trust and governing body know the school well.

They exude a strong commitment to ensuring the very best for all pupils at this school. This includes prioritising and closely monitoring pupils' attendance. The school works with families and pupils to ensure that pupils understand the importance of being in school every day.

Staff benefit from a rigorous programme of professional development and support. They feel valued and appreciate the efforts made to manage their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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