Hartpury Church of England Primary School

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About Hartpury Church of England Primary School

Name Hartpury Church of England Primary School
Website http://www.hartpury.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Sarah Hopson
Address Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucester, GL19 3BJ
Phone Number 01452700446
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 109
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Hartpury is a caring and welcoming school.

Pupils talk positively about how the school is a family. They say the school's mission of 'shining from the inside out' helps them to be respectful and understanding of others. Parents and carers talk of the school's community feel and how their children enjoy attending.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils respond well to the systems that are in place. This starts in the early years, where children learn to work and play cooperatively.

Pupils across the school are polite and well mannered. The atmosphere in lessons is calm and focused. As a result, learning is rarely disrupted.

Pupil...s feel safe. Relationships between pupils and staff are warm and nurturing. Pupils say that staff listen to them if they need to share any worries.

They say that bullying is rare. If it were to occur, they are confident that adults would deal with it quickly.

Pupils enjoy the wide range of clubs and activities on offer to them, such as archery, gardening and well-being club.

They value becoming members of the school or eco-council. They say these roles help them to improve their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for what all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve.

The headteacher and his staff accurately understand the school's strengths and areas to develop further. They have created a curriculum that interests pupils. As a result, pupils learn well across most areas of the curriculum.

Leaders prioritise reading. They promote a love of reading and encourage pupils to read regularly at home. Staff benefit from the training they receive to teach phonics effectively.

Pupils, including those in the early years, learn to read well. Books that pupils read match the sounds they are learning. As a result, they become confident readers.

If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to help them to catch up quickly.

The curriculum in many areas is well designed and ambitious for all pupils. For example, in mathematics, leaders make clear the knowledge they want pupils to learn.

This starts in the early years, where teachers develop children's mathematical vocabulary well. As a result, children confidently understand number patterns. Staff use assessment effectively.

They routinely check pupils' errors and misconceptions before moving on to new learning. Teachers ensure that future learning considers what pupils remember over time. As they move through the school, pupils build their knowledge well.

For example, older pupils confidently use their knowledge of multiplication and division to solve more complex number problems.

In some wider curriculum subjects, pupils' knowledge is less secure. In computing, for example, younger pupils confidently recall their learning about creating a set of instructions for a floor robot.

However, older pupils have gaps in their knowledge. They struggle to make links to what they have learned before. This is because leaders have not yet identified the precise knowledge and vocabulary they want pupils to learn and remember over time.

This slows the progress that some pupils make.

Leaders are ambitious for what pupils with SEND can achieve. Staff know the pupils well and identify their needs accurately.

Pupils' plans are precise. Staff ensure that planning for pupils' learning is well thought out. Leaders work closely with outside agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND receive the help they need.

As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well across the curriculum.

Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning. They behave well in lessons and during social times.

Children in the early years settle to school routines quickly. They are eager to learn, listen carefully and follow instructions well.

The wider development and pastoral support of pupils are a strength of the school.

This is closely linked to the school's values. Pupils understand the importance of keeping both physically and mentally healthy. They talk confidently about different religions and beliefs.

Pupils know the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. They develop their characters by taking part in a literature festival and representing the school in sports such as mountain biking. They are proud to take part in these events.

Governors and trustees are ambitious for the school. They have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. Staff value the time and training they receive to develop their subject knowledge.

They appreciate how leaders consider their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure there is a strong culture of safeguarding across the school.

Staff use their training well to spot signs that may indicate a pupil is at risk, and they act quickly. Leaders respond swiftly to support vulnerable pupils and their families. They do not hesitate to escalate concerns when required.

Leaders make the required safeguarding checks during recruitment.

Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe, both in the real and online world. They talk confidently about not sharing personal information online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? In some foundation subjects, leaders have not yet made clear enough the precise knowledge they want pupils to learn and remember. As a result, pupils have gaps in their learning and do not build their knowledge securely over time. Leaders should identify the knowledge that pupils need to learn and remember in all subject curriculums.

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