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The supportive, inclusive and welcoming culture shines through from the moment you step over the threshold at Harvills Hawthorn.
Pupils were proud to tell inspectors about how all pupils are included in every aspect of school life. This shows in the tireless work being done to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As several parents and carers told inspectors, 'This school goes above and beyond for its pupils.'
Staff set high expectations and pupils work hard to reach them. Pupils demonstrate high levels of perseverance and diligence and, as the school vision states, they strive 'to be the very best they can be'. This doe...sn't stop at the classroom door, as pupils contribute meaningfully to school life in a variety of ways, such as by becoming hard-working playground buddies or librarians.
Classrooms are calm and purposeful. From the early years to Year 6, pupils demonstrate high levels of respect, kindness and consideration towards others. Relationships are a highly positive feature throughout school and lead to this being a happy and safe place to learn.
Pupils are proud of their school and greet visitors with a smile, a friendly word and an eagerness to talk about their learning.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has carefully designed an exciting curriculum in all subjects. Teachers know precisely what to teach and when to teach it so that pupils build their knowledge coherently over time.
In lessons, teachers often reference previous learning, which helps pupils to connect new knowledge with what they have learned before.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They understand how pupils learn.
Teachers present information clearly and emphasise key vocabulary. Pupils gain a secure understanding of what they are taught. They confidently explain such concepts as habitats in science, or the difference between human and physical features in geography.
Pupils enjoy their daily mathematics lessons, but sometimes are hampered by a lack of fluency in their calculation. This means that they find it difficult to solve some problems as quickly or as confidently as they could. In English, the school is working hard to help pupils to become expert writers.
This is having a positive impact on the quality of work pupils produce, but there are times when errors are not identified effectively enough and are repeated.
The school is committed to, and successful at, identifying and supporting pupils who have SEND. For instance, for pupils who have social, emotional or mental health needs, who struggle with their behaviour, support is proving highly effective.
It makes a significant difference to these pupils' happiness and well-being. The school also offers an enormous array of help to families, which impacts positively on aspects including attendance.
Learning to read has a high priority.
The school has ensured that staff know exactly how to teach phonics. Pupils read regularly in school and receive additional help if they find it difficult. By the time they leave, pupils are knowledgeable about literature and demonstrate a love of reading.
In the early years, children get off to a flying start. A thoughtful induction process ensures that teachers know children extremely well. As a result, children settle in quickly and become confident, independent and happy learners.
Children benefit from an engaging, enabling environment full of high-quality resources. These have been meticulously chosen for all areas of learning. Relationships are extremely positive, and both adults and children exude a love of learning.
This creates a calm and highly industrious atmosphere in which children love being together.
There is an infectious ambition for pupils' wider development. Pupils take on leadership roles and fulfil their duties diligently and make a real difference.
They gain a strong understanding of equality and diversity and talk about differences maturely and with empathy. They know how to stay safe, including online, and know that they can always confide in a trusted adult if they have any worries. The school puts an impressive focus on developing pupils' career aspirations from a young age.
Pupils relish quizzing visitors about their chosen careers.
There are regular clubs available to pupils. These have been carefully selected to provide pupils with meaningful and valuable experiences.
They range from sporting clubs, a karate club and a young carers club. These are well attended and highly appreciated.
Staff and governors are extremely passionate about Harvills Hawthorn.
Staff receive training that helps them to improve their practice. They also support one another by sharing their knowledge. Staff receive and provide effective training and support.
They appreciate how the school considers their workload and well-being. Leaders at all levels have created and maintained an impressively collegiate working environment in which staff thrive and are proud to work.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some pupils lack fluency in recall and use of mathematical knowledge and operations. This means that, sometimes, they are hampered by how quickly and accurately they are able to solve problems. The school should ensure that pupils are provided with opportunities to develop their fluency so that they become confident and competent problem-solvers.