Harvills Hawthorn Primary School

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About Harvills Hawthorn Primary School

Name Harvills Hawthorn Primary School
Website http://www.harvillshawthorn.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Joanne Sheen
Address Wolseley Road, Hill Top, West Bromwich, B70 0NG
Phone Number 01215571034
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 464
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. School leaders and managers are highly effective in their pursuit of excellence.

The outstanding findings of the previous inspection report have been consolidated and built on. Children get an excellent start to their education in the Early Years Foundation Stage and make outstanding progress, particularly in their communication skills and personal development. Pupils who need extra emotional assistance are identified early and given prompt support in the nurture unit.

They soon develop enough confidence to join mainstream classes full time. Teaching is of a consistently high quality so all pupils benefit from teaching that is at... least good and often outstanding as they progress through the school. Much teaching is inspirational and is exceptionally successful in enabling pupils to find things out for themselves and makes a very good contribution to their own learning.

Information about the vast majority of pupils' needs and capabilities is used exceptionally well to ensure all pupils, regardless of ability or background, make the best possible progress. Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and at break times. Consequently, pupils feel safe in school and this is helping to improve their attendance.

School leaders regularly check on the quality of teaching and learning. Through rigorous checking procedures, using a wide evidence base, they have established a strong record of improving any teaching that was not good enough. Senior leaders hold teachers accountable for the achievement of pupils in their classes using detailed evaluations of progress information for all groups of pupils.

Governors are well-informed and have a good idea about how well the school is doing.

. Information about the vast majority of pupils'

needs and capabilities is used exceptionally well to ensure all pupils, regardless of ability or background, make the best possible progress.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and at break times. Consequently, pupils feel safe in school and this is helping to improve their attendance. School leaders regularly check on the quality of teaching and learning.

Through rigorous checking procedures, using a wide evidence base, they have established a strong record of improving any teaching that was not good enough. Senior leaders hold teachers accountable for the achievement of pupils in their classes using detailed evaluations of progress information for all groups of pupils. Governors are well-informed and have a good idea about how well the school is doing.

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