Hasmonean High School for Girls

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About Hasmonean High School for Girls

Name Hasmonean High School for Girls
Website https://hasmoneangirls.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Alice Lucas
Address 2 - 4 Page Street, Mill Hill, London, NW7 2EU
Phone Number 02082031411
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 583
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy to be part of the 'Hasmonean family'. They are safe and well cared for.

Pupils know how to stay safe online and in the wider world. Pupils build respectful relationships with each other and with staff. They make strong friendship groups.

Pupils learn that unkind words can hurt others. Consequently, incidents of bullying are rare. New pupils to the school, including in Year 7, receive a warm welcome.

Having their own 'buddy' in the sixth form helps students to settle in quickly.

The school has high expectations for all pupils to achieve well. Pupils value their learning and relish the many opportunities the school provides.

T...hese include the annual Year 7 residential trip, Year 10 visit to Scotland and Year 12 trip to Poland. Pupils believe in giving back to their local community. Many of them volunteer, for instance in local primary schools or care homes.

Pupils behave well in class and in corridors. They are polite and articulate. Pupils take great pride in their school.

Typically, pupils concentrate well and display positive attitudes to learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils. Typically, they study two languages until the end of Year 8, including modern Hebrew.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) also access a broad offer. Teachers are well informed about pupils' individual needs. They make helpful adaptations to lessons and the use of resources.

These help pupils with SEND to achieve well. A very small number of pupils need extra help with reading. The school identifies these pupils quickly and provides them with bespoke support.

Pupils love to read. They enjoy recommending books to each other.

The school has planned and sequenced pupils' learning with care.

Leaders have identified the important concepts that pupils must understand to deepen their knowledge and skills across subjects. Teachers build regular opportunities for pupils to revisit key knowledge sequentially. For example, in science pupils enjoy regular practical work.

This helps them to consolidate and build their understanding of working scientifically. Pupils tackle more complex tasks as they move through the school. This prepares them well for GCSE and A-level study.

Teachers provide regular opportunities for checking pupils' understanding. This helps teachers to review and adapt learning for pupils. In the sixth form, students receive effective support and guidance that helps them to improve their work with precision.

In Years 7 to 11, the effectiveness of teacher checking of pupils' understanding is more variable. On occasion, teaching moves on too quickly before pupils are ready for new content. This creates gaps in pupils' knowledge and leads to misconceptions.

Typically, pupils are ambitious and keen to do well. As a result, attitudes to learning are positive. On occasion, when pupils do not fully understand what is required of them, they lose concentration.

In the sixth form, pupils show an excellent commitment to their studies.

The school continues to prioritise improving pupils' attendance. There is robust follow-up of persistent absence.

Leaders are analytical in their approach to identifying trends in pupils' attendance and acting on these.

Pupils enjoy an exceptional offer beyond the academic. This encompasses a well-planned personal, social and health education curriculum.

Pupils learn about the importance of topics such as mental well-being and consent in an age-appropriate manner. The school makes judicious use of external speakers to supplement pupils' learning. Pupils have a strong understanding of British values, particularly respect and tolerance.

They enjoy learning about other religions. The school hosted a visit for pupils from a local school on Holocaust Memorial Day. Pupils experience a range of educational trips to museums in central London.

They can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. Pupils select from a range of clubs on offer each day. For younger pupils, their favourite part of the week is the Friday 'HIPE' activities.

They celebrate religious events and festivals through food, song and dance.

From Year 7, pupils access an aspirational careers programme. They learn about university and vocational routes.

Pupils in Years 10 and 12 go on work experience. Sixth-form staff help students to manage the university application process. The school makes use of alumni, external speakers and careers fairs to ensure that students have high-quality interactions with employers and higher education institutions.

Trustees and governors know the school well. They have helped leaders with their approach to staff recruitment in recent months.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasion, teaching moves on too quickly before pupils are fully ready. This creates gaps in learning which lead to misconceptions in pupils' understanding. The school should ensure that checks on pupils' grasp of their learning are used routinely and purposefully so that they are fully prepared to learn new content.

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