Hatfield Academy

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About Hatfield Academy

Name Hatfield Academy
Website http://www.astreahatfield.org
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Katy Richards
Address Hatfield House Lane, Sheffield, S5 6HY
Phone Number 01142456871
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 373
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff have made the school a positive place to be. Friendly hellos and checks on how everyone is feeling are commonplace. Good relationships and leaders' clear vision underpin the significant improvements that have been made for pupils.

The good behaviour and attitudes of pupils are notable. Lessons are calm and pupils go about their work with purpose. Pupils know the difference between falling out and bullying, and adults help them sort out both.

Pupils are keen to talk about what they have learned. They are proud of their work.They like reading.

An improved curriculum in phonics helps pupils quickly become confident in reading letters and words.... Sometimes, the books that pupils in key stage 2 choose from can limit their vocabulary development. Some pupils do not have enough practice in reading aloud to develop their intonation and fluency.

Pupils are developing strong values and knowledge about the world around them. They are extremely respectful of the things that make us unique. Their kindness makes visitors and people new to the school feel welcome.

Pupils are keen to attend school. Leaders are working with families to promote the importance of coming to school every day.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School and trust leaders have worked closely together to raise the ambition of the curriculum.

Pupils leave school better equipped for the next stage of their education. Leaders support staff in being confident and knowledgeable about the activities and methods they choose to deliver the curriculum. A well-planned cycle of training and coaching, and checks on the effectiveness of these, has ensured consistency in teaching approaches.

Staff feel well supported, as do pupils. Pupils are achieving better as a result, across a broad curriculum.

The curriculum helps pupils to practise what they have learned and build on their knowledge over time.

This starts in the early years, where the curriculum is carefully designed to address the aspects that children find most difficult when they start school. Curriculum development is still in progress. There are aspects of subject knowledge that leaders know they need to support further, in some subjects for some staff, to avoid misconceptions occurring.

The early reading curriculum is a good example of where leaders have made revisions and improvements that help pupils to be successful. A coaching model and support from trust and school leaders have resulted in consistency in delivery of the phonics programme. Younger pupils have lots of opportunity to practise reading each day.

Staff make careful checks on their knowledge so that sessions focus on exactly what pupils need to learn next. Pupils read books that contain the words and sounds they know. Even those pupils who find reading tricky, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are able to read their books with accuracy and confidence.

Pupils in key stage 2 who are at the earliest stages of reading get daily phonics lessons that help them to catch up. However, once pupils can decode, they no longer have phonics lessons. Opportunities to read aloud, and often, stop.

Pupils select their own books to read and these choices sometimes limit their vocabulary development and fluency.

The curriculum is adapted to meet pupils' needs, both in terms of changes to published schemes the school has purchased and for pupils with SEND. Adults ask pupils carefully chosen questions to check what has been learned.

Staff adapt their support to give pupils more practice where they need it.

The personal development curriculum is strong and helps pupils to be well prepared for life beyond primary school. Pupils have a good understanding of different faiths and cultures, saying that it is important to know about these, 'so that we are respectful, understanding and do not accidentally offend someone'.

Pupils know what is expected of them. They are eager to do well. They understand the rules and think they are fair.

The members of the BASI (behaviour, attendance, safeguarding and inclusion) team work together to give frequent support to pupils and families, including promoting good attendance. This work is ongoing.

Leaders work hard to extend good relationships beyond the school doors, with parents and the wider community.

Leaders work closely with the local nursery and secondary schools to help pupils transition from one setting to another.

There is clarity in roles and responsibilities across school and trust leaders, trustees and the local governance committee (LGC). A shared understanding of strengths and challenges, and expertise to support school leaders, results in precise school improvement.

Staff are dedicated to working hard to improve the school. They value those they work with and feel valued by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have a good oversight of safeguarding in the school. Comprehensive policies, systems and training help staff to know how to notice and respond to issues that arise. Leaders are aware of particular vulnerabilities that the school's context and pupils' needs bring.

They address these through staff training and the personal, social and health education curriculum. Leaders are responsive and sensitive to local and current issues and address these through whole-school assemblies. They make careful choices about the messages they give.

Records of concerns are comprehensive and build a clear picture of pupils, the support they have had and actions to be taken. Leaders work well with external agencies to help families access the support they need.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although the phonics curriculum is now well established, some pupils in key stage 2 who have not had the benefits of this improved approach do not have the knowledge or practice they need to read well.

The books they choose to read do not always help them to get better at reading or learn new vocabulary. Leaders should ensure that pupils in the lowest 20% who can now decode successfully are given more opportunities to read aloud. Leaders should make deliberate choices about the texts pupils read so that pupils develop their vocabulary and knowledge across a wide curriculum.

• Some pupils do not attend school each day. They do not have the full benefit of the curriculum on offer. Leaders should continue to work with families to promote the importance of good attendance, right from the time children start school in Reception.

• Some staff knowledge, in a few aspects of the curriculum, is not secure. Pupils, therefore, have less confidence, or some misconceptions, when talking about these areas. Leaders should check that curriculum content is delivered securely by teachers so that any misconceptions or historic gaps in knowledge are addressed.

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