Havannah Primary School

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About Havannah Primary School

Name Havannah Primary School
Website http://www.havannah.cheshire.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Stefanie Williams
Address Malhamdale Road, Congleton, CW12 2DF
Phone Number 01260542182
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 241
Local Authority Cheshire East
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has established its vision of 'where individuality is nurtured'.

This vision inspires pupils to support each other and keep trying, even when tasks are challenging. The palpable family atmosphere is the heartbeat of Havannah Primary. Together, staff have created a culture that helps all pupils to feel fully included in the life of the school.

Pupils are happy and safe in this caring school.

Leaders have established an ambitious curriculum. In early years, children quickly acquire the important language that they need.

They are well prepared for Year 1 and beyond. Across school, pupils become confident learners, including those who are disa...dvantaged or those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers successfully remove the barriers to learning that pupils might encounter.

Pupils achieve well in most subjects.

Adults help pupils to manage their own feelings and behaviour well. Adults show pupils how to treat each other with kindness and respect.

Pupils follow these examples in their own behaviour. Pupils behave well. Pupils take on many leadership roles within the school.

These roles inspire pupils to contribute to their school and local community. Pupils enjoy their learning and want to attend school. Attendance is high.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has implemented a broad curriculum. In early years, staff help children to build very positive relationships. Children cooperate consistently well with each other and show positive attitudes to their learning.

They concentrate well in order to complete the activities that they are given. Across the school, pupils have positive attitudes to their learning. In mathematics, children quickly develop their understanding of number.

This helps children to become confident in making different amounts. Older pupils have lots of opportunities to rehearse and repeat their learning. Pupils use this knowledge to help them to solve mathematical problems.

In most subjects, the knowledge that pupils need is clearly identified. In history, for example, pupils explained their impressive knowledge of World War 1 and the role that allies and treaties played during this period. In a small number of foundation subjects, the important knowledge that pupils need is not identified or taught precisely enough.

In these areas, pupils struggle to acquire and remember important learning.

Reading is everywhere in this school. Reading is a priority across all year groups.

Staff are skilled in helping pupils to become fluent readers. In early years, children confidently master new sounds quickly. Staff introduce ambitious new language, which children use enthusiastically.

Children hold detailed conversations about their learning and rapidly develop their vocabulary. Older pupils take their roles as reading ambassadors very seriously. They inspire younger pupils by listening to them read.

Pupils with SEND have high-quality support to help them to become fluent readers. Throughout the school, adults invest in carefully chosen literature and regularly bring stories to life for pupils. Pupils thoroughly enjoy reading.

The support that pupils with SEND receive is exemplary. If pupils have different starting points, the school makes sure that they learn a curriculum that is just right for them. This helps pupils to successfully develop their confidence and communication skills.

Pupils with SEND thrive.

The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education helps pupils to understand difference. They know that everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

Pupils spoke with maturity about issues such as healthy relationships. However, some aspects of the PSHE curriculum are less well developed. For example, pupils struggle to remember important information about different ways of life.

Leaders deliberately broadens pupils' experiences. Some pupils participate in, for example, choir, gardening and dance clubs. Many pupils take on leadership roles.

They help others as 'happiness ambassadors' and school councillors. These experiences support pupils to become active citizens in their school and community.

Governors make sure that leaders are taking the right actions in the best interests of all pupils.

They actively support leaders to make sure that all pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life. The workload and well-being of all staff is a priority. The school makes sure that staff are well equipped to carry out their responsibilities.

The sense of family that pervades this school helps staff to feel well supported. Staff are proud to work in this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The important knowledge that pupils require is not identified and taught clearly enough in a small number of curriculum areas, including in some aspects of PSHE. In these areas, pupils struggle to acquire and remember the important knowledge that they need. The school should make sure that this important knowledge is clearly identified and taught.

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