Haydn Primary School

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About Haydn Primary School

Name Haydn Primary School
Website http://www.haydn.nottingham.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher (Jobshare) Ms Lisa Paulson
Address Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 2JU
Phone Number 01159150193
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 456
Local Authority Nottingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this vibrant, happy school. Pupils, staff, parents and carers are full of praise for the school's safe, caring ethos.

This positive ethos is evident in all aspects of the school's provision and supports pupils' learning and development very well.

The school has high expectations of pupils' behaviour and their attitudes to learning. This includes an equally strong ambition for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils fulfil those expectations admirably. Their behaviour is excellent. They are polite and respectful to others.

By the end of Year 6, pupils typically achieve hig...h standards in national tests.

Children in the early years settle quickly and make a very strong start to their schooling. Positive relationships enable children to thrive and make the most of the well-designed range of learning activities.

The school promotes pupils' wider personal development exceptionally well. Pupils are taught how to be responsible and active young citizens and to celebrate difference. Pupils, regardless of their needs or circumstances, benefit from a wide range of educational trips and activities.

These opportunities broaden pupils' horizons and nurture their talents and interests very well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has carefully reviewed and revised the curriculum over time, including in the early years. This work is now complete in all subjects.

The revised curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils develop increasingly secure knowledge and skills as they progress though the school, from the early years to Year 6. The curriculum is equally ambitious for all pupils.

Staff give clear explanations and instructions.

They have secure subject knowledge. Staff regularly check pupils' understanding in lessons and adapt their teaching for any pupils who may need extra help, particularly in English and mathematics. For example, in mathematics, staff provide practical equipment to support some pupils' understanding of challenging concepts.

Activities are designed to help pupils build increasingly secure knowledge and skills. In geography, pupils successfully applied what they already knew about scale, when creating a map of the school playground.

The school is developing a more consistent approach to assessing pupils' learning across the curriculum, in subjects other than English and mathematics.

In the subjects that have already been reviewed, teachers use checks consistently well to ensure that pupils are secure in their understanding of what they have learned. In the other areas, this work is not complete. This means that the school does not have a secure view of pupils' knowledge, understanding and skills across every subject.

The school strongly prioritises reading and a love of books. Books are celebrated and evident everywhere around the school. There is a systematic approach to teaching early reading and phonics.

This begins as soon as children join the school in the early years. Well-trained staff provide consistent teaching for pupils of any age who are in the early stages of reading. Any who struggle, including pupils with SEND, receive skilled support to catch up quickly.

Pupils typically develop very well as fluent, confident readers.

Pupils of all ages display consistently positive behaviour. Pupils are attentive in lessons.

They understand and uphold the school's rules and values very well. The school has created a positive, respectful environment where all pupils feel safe and valued. The school reviews and analyses pupils' absence meticulously.

Attendance is in line with the national average and is improving. The school works supportively with families where pupils' attendance is less strong.

The school's focus on enhancing pupils' wider personal development is a significant strength.

Pupils demonstrate a thoughtful, mature understanding of important values such as democracy. They learn how to keep safe, and about healthy relationships, in an age-appropriate way. There is an impressive range of well-considered opportunities for pupils to develop as well-rounded individuals.

Leadership roles are available to all pupils, including those with SEND or who are disadvantaged.

Staff praise the support they receive for their workload and well-being. The school provides a wide range of training opportunities for staff to broaden and enrich their professional knowledge.

Governors share leaders' drive and ambition for the school. They fulfil their statutory duties and provide thoughtful challenge and support for the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's approach to assessment is not consistently strong in all areas of the curriculum. This means that, in those areas that have not been revised, teachers do not use assessment systematically enough to identify gaps in knowledge and help pupils embed and apply their learning. The school should ensure that systematic checks on pupils' knowledge and understanding are used effectively in all subjects, to inform teaching and support pupils to build secure knowledge and skills over time.

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