Haymerle School

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About Haymerle School

Name Haymerle School
Website http://www.haymerle.southwark.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Elizabeth Nolan
Address Haymerle Road, London, SE15 6SY
Phone Number 02076396080
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 72
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Haymerle is a happy school. Staff know pupils and their families well. They make sure that pupils are safe and well cared for.

Pupils respond well to the high expectations set by leaders and staff.

Pupils are well supported to communicate effectively. Staff work closely with other agencies to ensure that pupils improve their language and communication skills.

They also encourage pupils to become increasingly independent in their learning.

Bullying is rare. When it does happen, staff deal with it by helping pupils to cope with any anxieties they may have.

This means that any relationship issues do not escalate.

Pupils behave well. Le...aders make decisions based on what is best for pupils.

This is at the centre of the school's ethos. Extra support for pupils who have high levels of need is always on hand. This helps pupils to enjoy school and achieve well.

Pupils have enjoyed activities in the community which help them to develop their understanding of the world. Some of these activities have stopped because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders have made plans to restart these.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Communication is at the heart of the curriculum. Leaders have ensured that staff have a consistent approach so that pupils are listened to and understood. Staff are well trained to develop pupils' language and communication skills.

Pupils use signs, symbols and pictures to help them to express their feelings and to make choices. Over time, pupils grow in confidence to communicate verbally.

Leaders have planned broad and ambitious pathways that set out what pupils will learn.

They have carefully sequenced the teaching of new knowledge and skills. Learning is presented in manageable chunks that recognise pupils' existing knowledge and then build on it. For example, in mathematics, detailed and sequential plans build pupils' knowledge and skills from Reception through to Year 6.

This supports teachers to develop the skills and expertise needed to teach mathematics effectively. Pupils have opportunities to practise, apply and embed new learning. Similarly, in the creative arts, pupils use their knowledge of colours when beginning to mix colours and create different tones.

Leaders have thought about the knowledge and skills pupils need to develop in physical education (PE). They have planned this carefully but have not trained staff to deliver the new PE programme. Restrictions placed on the school by COVID-19 have interrupted staff's development.

Staff use assessment effectively. This provides them with a clear picture of how well a pupil is achieving. Teachers use this information to amend and develop pupils' targets and pathways.

Leaders have ensured that reading is a priority. Pupils at the earliest stages of reading enjoy songs and rhymes in their phonics lessons. They read books that are matched to the sounds that they know.

This helps pupils to build their confidence and fluency in reading. Teachers' enthusiasm about books helps pupils to really enjoy story time. This includes children in early years, where they learn to recognise words through symbols.

Pupils who need extra help in their reading receive carefully targeted support. Leaders are currently evaluating their teaching of early reading. They have detailed plans to train all staff to deliver the school's chosen new approach.

Children are safe and happy in the early years. Teachers encourage children to explore and become independent. Children enjoy the well-planned outdoor activities.

Children use the space to practise their fine and gross motor skills, linking these to the creative arts and mathematics.

Staff celebrate and reward the positive behaviour choices pupils make. If pupils need help to regulate their behaviour, staff step in quickly and calmly to refocus them.

They make sure that little learning time is lost.

Pupils take part in a broad range of experiences, such as art and yoga. Pupils support charities, like 'Children in Need'.

This helps them to understand the wider world and the needs of others. Staff plan structured social activities so the pupils can spend time together. These experiences help to prepare pupils for life in and out of school.

Governors understand the school's priorities and work effectively with leaders to make sure targets to improve the school are achievable and measurable. Most staff feel that leaders are appreciative of their workload and that leaders support their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their responsibility to report any concerns they have. Leaders have ensured that all staff are kept up to date in their safeguarding training. Parents and carers are confident that staff keep their children safe.

Pupils learn about personal safety and issues such as 'stranger danger'.

Staff are aware of the additional risks that pupils may face. They know that some pupils cannot speak for themselves, so they keep a close eye on them.

Staff are quick to act and involve other agencies when needed. Leaders work effectively with a range of external agencies so that pupils get the support they need.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders give a high priority to teaching reading.

They plan to change the phonics programme that they deliver. Leaders should ensure that staff are fully trained to deliver a new early reading programme in order to maintain their current high standards. ? The school has curriculum plans in place for PE.

However, staff have not received training to implement these plans. Due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, this training was interrupted, as face-to-face training was paused. Leaders should ensure the intended programme of staff development supports staff to teach PE as effectively as other subjects.

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