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20 Whitney Crescent, Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset, BS24 8ES
Phone Number
Academy sponsor led
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
North Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school Leaders' unwavering strategies to teach all pupils to read are highly effective.
As a result, pupils tackle their wider learning with confidence, because the essential foundations of learning are built quickly and successfully. The curriculum is motivating and interesting. It is often more demanding in reading, writing and mathematics than that set out in the national curriculum.
This ensures that pupils can use and apply their skills and achieve highly across a full range of subjects. Trustees, senior and middle leaders ensure that pupils thrive academically, emotionally and socially. Pupils make substantial and sustained progres...s across a full range of subjects, including English and mathematics.
Teaching is outstanding overall. Teachers and learning partners have excellent subject knowledge. They use their assessments precisely to address misconceptions in learning as soon as these appear.
Consequently, pupils make considerable gains in their learning. Staff morale is very high. Staff receive comprehensive training and challenge from the trust to ensure that the school continually improves.
Pupils attend well. Few pupils are persistently absent. The oldest pupils rarely miss a day.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils make extremely strong progress. Pupils who enter the school with knowledge and skills below those typical for their age get the right support and catch up quickly. Teaching is outstanding in the early years.
The youngest children in pre-school gain a love of stories, rhymes, music and singing right from the start. Teaching in Reception is precisely targeted and enables children to make exceptionally strong progress. Children are prepared exceptionally well for Year 1.
Leaders' deliberate action to develop pupils' speaking skills in key stages 1 and 2 enables pupils to become self-assured and bold debaters. However, on occasions, children who have made rapid progress to speak in full sentences during the Reception Year, do not initiate conversations with their peers when working independently. Pupils relish deepening their learning.
They are resilient and tackle challenges with confidence. Pupils are attentive and demonstrate excellent behaviour. However, just occasionally, their work could be even better presented and organised in mathematics in Year 1.
Information about this school
The school opened three years ago. It currently has classes in pre-school, Reception and Years 1, 2 and 3. Key stage 2 will be completed in 2021.
A large number of pupils join the school at times other than the usual entry points. Haywood Village academy is part of the Cabot Learning Federation. This is a multi-academy trust of 18 schools in the South West.
The school is led by the principal. An executive principal provides oversight on behalf of the trust. The school has enhanced its leadership structure as it grows.
There is now an assistant principal, vice principal, and leaders of core subjects and phases. The proportions of disadvantaged pupils and those with English as an additional language are broadly in line with the national averages. The proportion of pupils with SEND is lower than the national average.