Hazelwood Infant School

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About Hazelwood Infant School

Name Hazelwood Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Josh Newham
Address Hazelwood Lane, London, N13 5HE
Phone Number 02088863216
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 356
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is a nurturing and inclusive place where pupils feel safe, happy, and valued. The school has a culture of high expectations, and pupils achieve well across all areas.

Strong, supportive working relationships between staff and pupils help pupils to feel settled and respected. Each child knows that the adults are available to address any concerns or worries they may have.

The school is calm and purposeful from the early years through to Year 2.

Pupils understand how to manage their emotions. Pupils display positive behaviour both in and out of the classroom. Staff model the school's values and respectful interactions.

The school encourages k...indness and support. Pupils care for one another and this helps to build a strong community spirit.

Pupils engage in a wide range of enriching experiences.

These spark pupils' enthusiasm and curiosity about the world around them. The school actively encourages pupils to take part in clubs such as running, performing arts, choir and art. Pupils discuss their understanding of different religions and learn from one another about their cultures and traditions.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of its pupils. Leaders have carefully mapped out what they want pupils to learn, ensuring that pupils' knowledge builds progressively from early years through to Year 2, ready for when they move up to junior school. In the early years, the curriculum encourages children's academic and social skills strongly.

Staff extend children's language and communication skills effectively. For example, during story times children learn stories and rhymes by heart. Children show enthusiasm and curiosity in their interactions.

The school's thoughtful curriculum supports all pupils to learn well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) whose needs are readily identified and met. Staff adapt their teaching to meet individual pupil's needs. Leaders check the quality of teaching and provide staff with effective training and support.

Teachers present information clearly to pupils. They provide opportunities for pupils to apply their knowledge in different contexts. For example, in mathematics, pupils use a range of practical resources to help them solve different problems.

As they move up through the years, pupils build their understanding of different calculation strategies.

While the school has a well-established system for checking pupils' learning overall, there are times when the school does not ensure that pupils have remembered what they have previously been taught. This means that, pupils are not routinely supported to remember learning in the longer term and at times, pupils find it harder to connect new learning with what they already know.

Pupils display very positive attitudes to learning and high levels of respect for staff and their peers during lessons. Learning is rarely disrupted. Pupils respond promptly to instructions and show resilience when they are set tasks that are challenging.

The school's structured routines and high expectations ensure that the school is calm and orderly.

The teaching of reading is a particular strength of the school. Phonics sessions are well delivered and develop pupils' reading skills effectively.

This helps pupils to become successful, confident and fluent readers. Pupils learn to read with books that align closely to their phonics knowledge. Pupils at risk of falling behind are identified quickly and receive additional support to catch up with their peers.

Pupils develop strong reading skills and their interest in books and reading flourishes.

The school works in close partnership with parents and carers to support pupils' learning and development. Parents value the school's communication, including newsletters.

The school runs workshops, which help parents to support their children's learning at home. These also promote the importance of regular attendance at school. Leaders also provide targeted support for families, such as guidance on phonics, mathematics or English as an additional language.

Encouraging pupils' personal development is at the heart of the school's wider curriculum. Through outdoor-learning sessions and special events including multicultural weeks and anti-bullying days, pupils develop their independence and a respect for differences. Activities in the local community help build pupils' sense of responsibility and belonging.

The school encourages pupils to look after their mental health and wellbeing, for example through discussions in assemblies.

The school considers staff workload and well-being carefully. Staff feel supported by leaders who care about their well-being.

Leaders, the governing body and staff are focused on continually improving the school. The governing body provides valuable support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• At times, the school does not make sure that pupils are supported to remember what they have been taught previously. This sometimes makes it difficult for pupils to connect new learning with what they already know. The school should ensure that the curriculum provides regular opportunities for pupils to revisit and embed what they have learned.

Also at this postcode
Hazelwood Junior School

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