Heartsease Primary Academy

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About Heartsease Primary Academy

Name Heartsease Primary Academy
Website http://www.heartseaseprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Neil Campbell
Address Rider Haggard Road, Norwich, NR7 9UE
Phone Number 01603307820
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 482
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Heartsease learn to be independent and polite, respectful citizens. Staff model these values.

They provide clear expectations for pupils' conduct around the school. As a result, pupils' behaviour in class is good and learning is very rarely disturbed. Pupils are calm and kind to each other and show good manners to adults.

They hold doors for adults and, when thanked, pupils reply with a cheery 'you're welcome'. Older pupils are proud to be play leaders. They organise games at breaktimes for younger pupils, who aspire to take on this responsibility.

Pupils told inspectors that bullying is not tolerated in school. They understand what bullying means a...nd who to speak to if they have a concern. Parents, staff and pupils praise the support provided by the pastoral team, who are well trained in supporting pupils' social and emotional well-being.

Pupils say they feel safe and happy at school. Some say they do not want to miss a day as 'it could be the day a lesson changes their life'. Pupils say it is a place where they can make lots of friends.

They are proud of their work and develop a love of reading from the early years. Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs and activities that broaden their horizons. These enable pupils to develop new talents and interests, such as chess, archery and yoga.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have prioritised the development of a broad and ambitious curriculum. In most subjects, curriculum plans set out the key knowledge and vocabulary pupils should know across the year. Plans are well sequenced so that pupils learn and remember more from early years to Year 6.

This means pupils secure the required learning so that they are ready to move on to the next stage.

Pupils talk with pride about what they have learned. In lessons, teachers check pupils' understanding carefully.

They give feedback to pupils about what they have done well and could do better. Pupils enjoy quizzes that help them remember what they have learned. In a few foundation subjects, curriculum plans are under further development.

In these subjects, teachers do not present the small steps of knowledge precisely enough to pupils. This is because they are not as clear on the key knowledge, and how this builds over time, as they are in the more established subjects. This means pupils do not secure knowledge that will help their learning across the curriculum.

Children in the early years enjoy activities that support learning across the curriculum. Adults prioritise the development of children's communication and language skills. They teach children new words and sensitively help them learn how to pronounce these correctly.

Children are keen to write. They join in creative activities that help them learn art techniques in preparation for Year 1. Children learn to count and practise this in their play.

They use their imagination to be a shop assistant and take turns helping each other.Leaders are determined that every child will become a fluent reader. Phonics lessons are clear and precise.

As a result, pupils learn and remember new sounds with confidence from Reception. Pupils who are at risk of falling behind the expectations of the phonics programme are identified quickly. They have more-frequent reading sessions so that they catch up well.

Teachers ensure that pupils read books that match the sounds they know. This enables pupils to read accurately and fluently, with understanding. Older pupils enjoy reading and talk enthusiastically about the books they read together in class.

These promote discussion about rules and social issues.

Pupils enjoy learning. Leaders have reduced incidents of bullying and disruptive behaviour.

Pupils that have been involved in bullying incidents learn how to manage their emotions and restore friendships. There are a few pupils that still use derogatory language which some pupils are aware of and do not like.

Staff support pupils' personal development well.

Pupils learn about different religious beliefs and cultures. They know it is important to consider the opinions of others and be accepting of others' differences. Pupils take pride in being voted in as the class representative on the school council.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. They are included in the life of the school. Some pupils also benefit from provision in Moonstone and Ruby classes.

These offer calm and less-busy spaces for pupils where teachers adapt learning to meet pupils' individual needs.

Leaders are mindful of staff workload. Staff feel the support from leaders within school and across the trust is developing their subject expertise and confidence.

Trustees have a sound knowledge of the school. They hold leaders to account for the quality of education. The strategic decisions that they make consider the benefit for all pupils with a clear ethos of inclusivity.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders keep the single central record of employee checks up to date. They make sure that all pre-employment checks are completed.

Staff know how to identify pupils that may be at risk of harm. They are clear about the procedures for reporting and recording any concerns. Leaders work with other professionals to ensure pupils and families receive the help and support they need as quickly as possible.

Pupils take part in road safety and cycling activities in the local area. These help them learn how to keep themselves safe travelling to and from school. Pupils know how to protect themselves and stay safe online.

They know not to share personal details with people they do not know and who to tell if they are concerned about inappropriate online activity.

Policies and procedures are in place to protect pupils and staff from bullying, sexual harassment and racism.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few foundation subjects, teachers do not yet have a clear understanding of the key knowledge and how this builds over time.

This means they do not provide precise instruction or check that pupils have remembered and understood key knowledge. Leaders should continue to develop these curriculum plans as they have for the successfully established subjects so that teachers develop their expertise and are clear about the key knowledge and skills pupils need to learn across the curriculum. ? Bullying and unacceptable conduct is not tolerated by leaders in the school.

There is still some work to do with a minority of pupils that do not adhere to the school's expectations for behaviour and use derogatory language. This results in some pupils perceiving that bullying or misbehaviour is not being dealt with. Leaders should work with this small group of pupils to ensure that they fully understand the school rules so that everyone benefits from a positive environment throughout the school.

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