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This is an outstanding school Leaders, governors and trustees have been highly effective in ensuring that the quality of teaching is exemplary.
Pupils, therefore, make excellent progress across the curriculum. The leadership team, along with trustees and governors, have ensured that there is a rich, stimulating curriculum within and beyond the school day that meets pupils' needs exceptionally well. There is a strong culture of high expectations which is wholeheartedly endorsed by all staff.
Teachers apply the same highly effective approaches when teaching so that pupils get equally strong provision and make excellent progress from their starting points. Excell...ent training and professional development opportunities ensure that teachers perfect their craft. Safeguarding takes high priority.
Procedures for ensuring that pupils are kept safe are very thorough. Pupils said that they feel safe in school and their parents agreed. Pupils are kind and courteous.
They play well together and listen to adults' advice, following instructions immediately and sensibly. This means that no time is wasted in lessons and conduct around the school is exemplary. Leaders foster pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well.
The children's parliament helps pupils understand democracy, and British values are interwoven with the school's strong values system. In this way, pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. Children get an excellent start to their education in early years.
Outstanding teaching ensures that children make rapid progress and that attainment is above average. Leaders are already putting plans in place to ensure that this high-quality provision is maintained as the school grows and pupils move up into key stage 2.
Information about this school
Heathfield Academy is smaller than the average-sized primary school.
It is a member of the STEP (Striving together for excellence in partnership) Trust. The school opened in September 2015 in temporary accommodation and had to move to a second temporary site before settling into its current, permanent site in September 2017. A strategic governing body works across two schools in the trust.
Currently, the school caters for pupils from Reception to Year 2 but will grow year on year until it covers Reception to Year 6. The school serves a very diverse community. The majority of pupils are from minority ethnic groups, the largest group being of Black or Black British African heritage.
The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is nearly three times the national average. A significant minority of these pupils are at the very early stages of learning English. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is similar to national figures, although a further number of families live in difficult circumstances, particularly in overcrowded households.
A higher proportion of pupils join the school at times other than at the start of Reception than is the case nationally. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is below average, although the proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is average. The school offers wraparound care with a breakfast and after-school club.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.