Heber Primary School

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About Heber Primary School

Name Heber Primary School
Website http://www.heberprimaryschool.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Vanessa Kyprios
Address Heber Road, East Dulwich, London, SE22 9LA
Phone Number 02086932075
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 421
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders live and breathe their vision that every pupil will flourish at this school. Staff genuinely believe that all pupils can do well.

Pupils know that their teachers want the best for them. Pupils develop a strong sense that they can be successful, even if they find something difficult at first. This motivates pupils to work hard and helps them to enjoy school.

Pupils are respectful and considerate of others. They behave sensibly in classrooms and at breaktimes. Pupils relish having responsibilities as peer mentors and school councillors.

They take these roles seriously because they care about their school. Pupils play and cooperate well with each other. ...Pupils said that the very few incidents of bullying are dealt with quickly by staff.

Pupils take part in many educational trips to places such as The Globe Theatre and The Wetlands Centre. They enjoy these activities very much. The school ensures that pupils have opportunities to celebrate their achievements in art, sport and music.

This includes taking part in festivals, competitions and exhibitions.

Parents and carers speak highly of the school. They appreciate the dedication and care that staff show towards pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve well here, including in the early years. By the end of Year 6, the majority of pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need for secondary school. This includes in reading, writing and mathematics.

Leaders have reviewed their subject plans, including in the early years. These plans contain ambitious aims for what pupils should learn as they progress through the school. Teachers make sure pupils remember what they have previously been taught in a particular subject or topic.

They help pupils to use this knowledge when they move on to study more complex concepts. In geography and religious education, this approach is not consistently established. Leaders are taking clear steps to address this, including strengthening the role of subject leaders.

Some subject leaders are new to post. They are well supported by senior leaders. However, they have not checked fully how well their subjects are taught.

Leaders make sure that staff have the subject knowledge to teach all subjects well. They provide well-targeted training to address any gaps they identify. For instance, leaders recognised that pupils' knowledge of geography is not as strong as it should be.

Teachers have benefited from bespoke training in geography. This has developed their knowledge of how to teach pupils to read and use maps. Pupils are reading maps more confidently as a direct impact of this training.

However, pupils are less secure in discussing the links between physical and human geographical processes, such as types of settlements and how land is used.

Specialist teaching in art, music and physical education (PE) enables pupils to build effectively on what they already know or can do well. As a result, pupils achieve highly in these subjects.

Pupils were keen to tell me what they had learned. For instance, Year 3 pupils spoke confidently about what they found out in history topics on the Stone, Ice and Bronze Ages.

Reading is a strength of the school.

Staff are well trained and teach phonics effectively. They use their expertise to make sure teaching develops pupils' knowledge and appeals to pupils' interests. Staff assess pupils carefully.

They identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and provide extra support, so pupils do not fall behind. Almost all Year 1 pupils meet the standard expected for their age in the national phonics screening check. Pupils love to read and appreciate the selection of books in the library.

Teachers enjoy sharing their favourite books with pupils. In lessons, teachers choose texts deliberately to introduce pupils to new words.

In mathematics, too, pupils achieve highly.

This subject is well planned and sequenced. Staff have strong subject knowledge. They select resources and activities which enable pupils to deepen their understanding of important concepts.

Pupils are polite. In classrooms, pupils concentrate on the work teachers provide. Pupils' learning is rarely disrupted by off-task or silly behaviour.

Pupils have a strong understanding that everyone is different and should be treated the same, irrespective of their background or religion. However, pupils are less confident in explaining differences and similarities between world religions.

Leaders and staff have created an inclusive ethos.

They understand and meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers adapt subject plans so that pupils with SEND achieve as well as their peers.

Children get off to a strong start in the early years.

Leaders and teachers plan learning that enables children to develop the knowledge they need for Year 1. Classrooms, indoors and out, provide children with a safe and stimulating environment to learn and play.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Governors and leaders ensure that safeguarding is a high priority for all staff. Newly appointed staff are checked and recruited carefully. All staff are well trained and report any concerns about pupils' safety promptly.

Leaders act effectively when concerns arise.

Pupils feel safe. They know who to go to if they are worried about anything.

Pupils feel they are listened to. They take part in a range of activities to develop their understanding of how to stay safe, both in and out of school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders' plans for each subject are clear and ambitious.

Leaders should make sure that subject leaders and teachers use these plans consistently well so that pupils achieve highly in geography and religious education. . Some subject leaders are new to their roles.

Senior leaders should maintain their focus on developing new and less experienced subject leaders so that they have the necessary expertise to evaluate and improve how well their subjects are taught. . Leaders should broaden opportunities for pupils' spiritual development so that pupils can confidently explain the differences and similarities between other faiths and world religions.

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