Hellesdon High School

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About Hellesdon High School

Name Hellesdon High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mike Earl
Address 187 Middletons Lane, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5SB
Phone Number 01603424711
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1577
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has raised its expectations of pupils' achievement. Pupils benefit from an ambitious curriculum and lessons that build on what they already know. Pupils are well supported to access learning.

They enjoy many of their subjects and appreciate the help that adults give them.

Pupils know that they have a trusted adult to talk to at school. They know to report any issues or worries.

Pupils feel safe. They are confident that adults will help them and take their concerns seriously.

Although many pupils display good attitudes to learning, a minority do not.

Disruption to learning is too common. Some pupils regularly interrupt their teache...rs, which impacts the learning of the class. Pupils get frustrated by this poor behaviour.

In the sixth form, students enjoy a warm and welcoming environment. Everyone gets along well and supports each other. Students receive a high-quality education, both academically and outside of lessons.

During their 'conferences', they receive valuable guidance, including careers information and more general life skills. This prepares them well for their next steps. Students enjoy attending interesting and challenging lessons.

They achieve highly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has addressed the weaknesses in the curriculum that contributed to low outcomes in 2022 and 2023. A revised curriculum is now in place across the school.

It is well designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills that pupils acquire develop well over time.

Teachers confidently deliver new information clearly. They ensure that new knowledge builds on pupils' prior learning.

They regularly check what pupils understand and can do. They use a range of effective strategies to see what pupils have remembered and take appropriate action where they find gaps in pupils' understanding. In most instances, teachers are skilled in planning appropriate activities for pupils that allow them to develop their skills and understanding.

In some lessons, pupils who are ready for their next steps have to wait for others to catch up. When this happens, they do not achieve as highly as they could.

The school has high expectations for students in the sixth form.

The curriculum successfully builds on what students learn at GCSE. Teachers have good subject knowledge. There is a high degree of consistency in the delivery of lessons, which allows students, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to successfully learn new content.

Students are positive about their experiences and would recommend the sixth form to others.

The school accurately identifies pupils with SEND. Adults are provided with clear plans that lay out how to best help pupils.

Staff are confident in supporting pupils with SEND to do well. Pupils are also well supported outside of lessons in a quieter area known as 'The Bridge'. This helps pupils with SEND to focus on their learning.

Leaders know how important it is for pupils to be able to read fluently. A minority of pupils lack the skills needed to read well. More precise support is needed to help those few pupils who struggle to read confidently.

There are occasions when these pupils struggle to access some parts of their lessons.

Many pupils display positive attitudes towards their education. Where routines are clearly enforced, and expectations are high, pupils focus well on their learning.

In these instances, many pupils achieve well. However, the school has not ensured that this is the case for all pupils. Too many lessons are disrupted.

Some pupils regularly miss their learning and fall behind due to, for example, removal from class or poor attendance.

The school has prioritised pupils' personal development. Pupils are explicitly taught how to discuss important issues.

They talk with maturity about fundamental British values, such as democracy. Pupils are curious about differences in people and display high levels of respect towards people of other races and religions. Leaders have ensured that there is a wide range of clubs on offer.

These are well attended and popular. All pupils receive high-quality careers information, education, advice and guidance. This means they have the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about their futures.

Leaders, including trustees and governors, work closely to identify the strengths and areas to develop in the school. They know the needs of the school, and they act in the best interests of the pupils. This includes working with external advisors, who support leaders in securing the identified improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Outside of the sixth form, a minority of pupils do not display positive attitudes and can sometimes disrupt their peers. Some regularly miss lessons due to poor attendance or as a result of receiving behaviour sanctions.

Leaders should ensure that a calm and orderly environment is in place across all lessons and that all pupils attend regularly so that learning is not missed. ? In some lessons outside of sixth form, staff do not push pupils towards their next steps quickly enough. Leaders need to ensure that all pupils are supported to move on when they have secured the knowledge they need to consider more complex ideas.

Pupils who struggle to read are not supported as effectively as they should be. As a result, a minority of pupils are not fluent readers and struggle to access some learning across the curriculum. The school needs to establish effective systems to support weaker readers to gain the skills needed to rapidly become fluent readers.

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