Hempstalls Primary School

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About Hempstalls Primary School

Name Hempstalls Primary School
Website http://www.hempstalls.staffs.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Amy Bell
Address Collard Avenue, Cross Heath, Newcastle, ST5 9LH
Phone Number 01782950082
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 422
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's motto, 'come as you are and leave as a champion' is lived out at Hempstalls.

Pupils gain confidence through a range of inspiring experiences and lessons. They become open-minded and so they are ready for their next school.

The school has high expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils achieve well. This is not just in national tests, where results are above national averages, but also in the wider curriculum where, for example, pupils develop skills in forest school and in the school's swimming pool.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are caring, polite and tolera...nt. Pupils play and learn alongside each other happily. Even the youngest children in early years are comfortable talking about their learning and describe it as fun.

Pupils are proud of their work. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Pupils know adults in the school will keep them safe.

The school's environment is friendly and vibrant. Pupils welcome each other and staff in the colourful corridors. The walls are adorned with pupils' work such as art from all year groups, and written work from a whole school study of Romeo and Juliet.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Reading is a priority at the school. The reading cafe and well-stocked library are exciting places for pupils to go to discover new books and authors. In early years, children enjoy, listen and respond to stories, rhymes and songs.

This sits alongside an effective early reading programme which is skilfully delivered by well-trained staff. Older pupils who need help with reading talk enthusiastically about how the systems in place to support them really help them to catch up quickly. As a result, pupils learn to read fluently and develop a love of reading.

From the early years through to Year 6, the school's curriculum is meticulously set out. It identifies the important knowledge that pupils should learn. The school strives to ensure that the ambitious curriculum is rich, relevant and meaningful for the pupils of Hempstalls by supporting their learning with trips, visitors and engaging experiences.

Teachers have good subject knowledge and they explain concepts with enthusiasm and clarity. There are effective routines in the classroom to ensure that pupils have regular opportunities to recall their learning. For example, in Year 6 when learning about the circulatory system, pupils securely refer back to their work on the human body from Years 3 and 4.

Staff provide helpful resources which remind the pupils of important facts and information. Staff are adept at checking what pupils know. They identify any gaps in pupils' learning.

However, occasionally, staff do not adapt learning effectively and pupils do not always build on their knowledge as securely as they could.

The school identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND promptly and accurately. As a result, these pupils progress well through the curriculum.

Pupils benefit from effective pastoral support in the 'nurture space' and the 'bubble room'. The school has high expectations of pupils' attendance and pupils are rarely absent. Leaders take early and effective action to support any pupil whose attendance begins to decline.

The school has designed an exceptional programme to support pupils' personal development. Every child leaves Hempstalls having experienced excellent opportunities such as learning first aid, taking part in police cadets, skiing and performing at a local theatre. Pupils get the chance to develop their talents and interests through a very wide selection of clubs including boxing, cookery and construction kits.

This supports pupils to become confident, resilient and eager to try new experiences. Pupils show maturity beyond their years when they discuss how the school values of, 'be kind, curious, respectful, resilient and prepared' link with fundamental British values. For example, they recognise that they are taught right from wrong starting in early years, and they are clear that everyone is welcome and respected here.

The school encourages all pupils to be aspirational. Pupils learn about different jobs at the annual careers fair, and they become entrepreneurs when managing budgets and running stalls at charitable events. Pupils take on different responsibilities such as the well-being ambassadors, prefects and reading buddies.

They have a well-developed understanding of what it means to play a positive part in the life of the school and beyond.

The school benefits from strong and effective leadership. Local governors and trustees have the knowledge and expertise to provide valuable support and challenge to the school.

Staff benefit from highly effective professional development. The school and trust prioritise staffs' workload and well-being. As a result, staff feel supported and are proud to be part of the Hempstalls team.

Parents and carers are positive about the school. They speak highly of the support their children receive from the caring and approachable staff and leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects pupils do not always have their learning adapted precisely enough to support their progress through the curriculum. As a result, some pupils do not build their knowledge as well as they could. The school needs to ensure that learning is adapted when necessary so all pupils progress as well as possible through the curriculum.

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