Hendrefoilan Primary School

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About Hendrefoilan Primary School

Name Hendrefoilan Primary School
Address Dunvant Road, Dunvant, SA2 7LF
Phone Number 01792 290223
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 236 (50.4% boys 49.6% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 25
Local Authority Swansea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Hendrefoilan Primary School is a calm and happy place where pupils make good progress and achieve well. Staff develop strong working relationships with pupils and the community.

Pupils of all ages are friendly polite, and talk about their learning confidently. The school celebrates diversity and ensures that everyone is treated equally. The headteacher is well supported by the governing body.

Together they ensure that pupils' well-being and achievement are at the heart of the school's work. Leaders accurately identify and secure improvement in many of the areas of the school's work most in need of attention. However, they do not always identify a few important areas in need of further development.

Teachers plan in...teresting lessons that ensure that most pupils are engaged suitably in their learning. Teachers provide pupils with clear learning intentions at the start of lessons, and valuable feedback. As a result, most pupils know what they do well and what they need to do next to improve their work.

However, teachers across the school do not provide enough opportunities for pupils to develop appropriately as independent learners. In a minority of foundation learning lessons, teachers do not provide the correct balance between activities planned by the teachers and activities that are led by the pupils. A minority of teachers do not understand how pupils learn through play well enough.

Leaders and teachers, in collaboration with local schools, have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of pupils well. Teachers plan successfully to ensure that pupils build on their learning to make strong progress in literacy, mathematical and digital skills. However, teachers do not plan enough opportunities for pupils to apply their numeracy skills across the curriculum.

Most pupils develop their Welsh language skills appropriately and are proud of their success in learning other languages. By the time they reach Year 6, most pupils make good progress in each area of learning and experience (AoLE). Recommendations R1 Address the inconsistencies in teaching in foundation learning classes R2 evelop pupils as independent learners R3 Improve opportunities for pupils to apply their numeracy skills in their work across the curriculum What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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