Henley Green Primary

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About Henley Green Primary

Name Henley Green Primary
Website http://www.henleygreen.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Bond
Address Wyken Croft, Coventry, CV2 1HQ
Phone Number 02476613163
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 484
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Henley Green Primary School try hard every day to live the school values of 'resilience, respect, kindness, pride and ambition'. The school sets high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

Most pupils behave well and meet these expectations. Any pupil who struggles to behave is effectively supported. This includes support from specialist agencies if required.

The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. Adaptions are made for the above-average number of pupils who join the school at times other than the start of the year so that they settle well and adjust quickly to school life. For example, intensive support is provided to develop language and communication sk...ills for those pupils who need it so that they are ready to study the full curriculum.

Pupils work hard in lessons. They achieve well from their starting points, particularly in mathematics. However, some pupils do not attend school regularly enough which means they miss important learning.

As a result, some pupils struggle to catch up.

Pupils are respectful and kind to one another. They know that sometimes friendships can go wrong and that it is important to say sorry.

Pupils know there are trusted adults that they can talk to in school if they have a worry or concern. Pupils are happy and safe.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children in the early years get off to a great start.

Staff work closely with parents so that learning starts with what children know and can do. Carefully thought-through activities engage and motivate children to learn well. Children make new friends.

They learn to share, take turns and develop their independence skills. Children enjoy listening to and engaging in stories, songs and rhymes. Early reading, mathematics and writing are well taught.

Children make strong progress from their starting points. They are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

The school's curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced in most subjects so that pupils have the knowledge and skills they need for future success.

Teachers have the subject knowledge and resources they need to teach the curriculum. They make regular checks on pupils' learning. Teachers revisit and recap on previous learning.

This helps pupils to know and remember more over time. However, in some subjects, the key knowledge pupils need to learn is not sufficiently detailed. This means that children do not always encounter everything they need to be successful in these subjects.

Reading continues to be a school priority. Phonics is taught daily in school. Pupils apply their phonics knowledge when reading books that match the sounds they are learning.

Pupils who fall behind in their reading are swiftly identified and supported to catch up. However, misconceptions are not always identified and addressed quickly enough. This slows the progress that some pupils make, particularly pupils who have fallen behind in their reading.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are swiftly assessed and their learning and care needs are identified and met. Pupils get the support they need to be successful in school. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.

Parents are very positive about the school's work to support pupils with SEND.

The school's work to enhance pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is of high quality. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

They learn about different faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. Pupils know the importance of festivals and celebrations to different cultures, including Diwali, Easter, New Year and Eid. This helps pupils to develop tolerance and respect.

The work of the school council and visits from a local councillor help pupils to understand democracy.

High-quality pastoral support is provided throughout the day for any pupil who needs it. Young carers are well supported.

Opportunities such as digital leaders, eco-warriors, sports leaders and well-being mentors enable pupils to take on responsibilities in school. They develop important leadership skills. The school offers a wide range of activities to develop pupils' talents and interests.

These include sports, sewing, art, dance, chess, rowing and skateboarding clubs. Trips and visits, such as to the theatre and seaside, bring learning to life.

Leaders are ambitious and want the best for all pupils.

Rigorous evaluation of the school's work takes place. This helps leaders to identify the right priorities to continue to improve the school. Effective engagement with a local building society has provided additional resources for the school and support for families.

Governors now hold the headteacher to account effectively for the school's performance. Teachers are positive about the support they receive from leaders to manage their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils do not attend school regularly. This means that they miss important learning and some struggle to catch up. The school should adopt an approach to analysing attendance information in order to further identify and overcome barriers to attendance so that more pupils attend school regularly.

• The key knowledge the school has identified pupils need to learn is not sufficiently detailed in some subjects. This means that pupils do not always encounter everything they need to be successful in these subjects. The school should ensure that the precise knowledge pupils should learn is explicit so that pupils know and remember more of the curriculum.

Misconceptions are not always identified and addressed quickly enough during phonics lessons. This means that some pupils do not make the progress they should, particularly those who have fallen behind in their reading. The school should ensure that staff know how to make regular checks on pupils' learning in phonics lessons so that misconceptions are identified and addressed swiftly.

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