Henry Whipple Primary School

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About Henry Whipple Primary School

Name Henry Whipple Primary School
Website http://www.henrywhipple.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Christopher Johnson
Address Padstow Road, Bestwood, Nottingham, NG5 5GH
Phone Number 01159155723
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 214
Local Authority Nottingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders, other staff and governors have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. They have a shared vision in which pupils are at the centre of all they do.

Leaders have been effective in bringing about improvements, particularly in reading, writing mathematics and in rates of attendance. Senior leaders are developing leadership roles at all levels. Middle leaders are increasingly effective at supporting and leading improvements.

Teachers have good subject knowledge. They plan interesting lessons which motivate pupils. Pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

Current pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, make goo...d progress from their different starting points, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics. Children in the early years make a strong start to their school life. They make good progress from their starting points.

The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum that is based on the needs of the pupils. Pupils' personal development is a strength. Leaders and other staff help to prepare pupils well for their lives beyond school.

They encourage pupils to have high aspirations. Pupil leadership roles are extensive. Pupils have a say in how the school is run.

Pupils are taught to be responsible. Relationships are positive. There is an ethos of mutual respect.

Staff promote pupils' personal development, welfare and well-being very well. Pupils are friendly and polite and behave well at all times of the school day. Leaders have not checked carefully enough that the impact of their work is consistent.

Some variations in the quality of teaching and in pupils' outcomes remain. Leaders' use of the pupil premium is not as refined as it could be to further improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. The teaching of phonics and helping pupils to learn and use important vocabulary are sometimes not as focused as they could be.

Partnership with parents and carers is not as strong as it could be to support pupils' learning and development. Sometimes, teachers' expectations of the quality and depth of pupils' learning and work vary in different subjects. Teachers' expectations of the accuracy of pupils' spelling, grammar and punctuation vary in different classes and subjects.

Information about this school

Henry Whipple Primary School is smaller than the average-sized primary school. The school is a member of the Nottingham Schools Trust, a group of maintained schools and academies. The school has a breakfast club.

The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and of pupils who speak English as an additional language are above those seen nationally. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average.

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