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Pupils are proud of their school. They follow orderly routines and have a sense of belonging.
Pupils know and understand the school's Christian values of care, respect and friendship. They demonstrate how these values impact positively on their actions and attitudes.
Leaders and teachers have high expectations of pupils.
Pupils enjoy a range of rewards and clearly understand the consequences of their actions. This enables them to make positive choices about their behaviour. Lessons are calm and pupils learn without disruption.
Pupils show respect for their peers and adults. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effe...ctive support that helps them to learn well.
Pupils value the strong pastoral support available to them.
Pupils say that bullying is rare. They know staff are always available to help them with any worries or upsets. This support helps them to build emotional resilience, so they are ready to learn again quickly.
Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs, visitors and curriculum enrichment opportunities. They benefit from these experiences because they build their sense of community and citizenship.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and governors have managed the changes to the school's age range well.
Despite the challenges this has brought, leaders have remained focused throughout on the quality of education pupils receive.
Pupils experience a coherent, well-sequenced curriculum. Leaders have clearly identified the knowledge they want pupils to learn in all subjects.
Leaders have put in place appropriate curriculum changes needed for the new age range of Year 5 and 6 pupils. This has been successful. Children in the early years move through a carefully sequenced curriculum which prepares them well for key stage one.
Leaders have adapted the early years curriculum in the light of the pandemic. As a result, there is now a wider range of activities designed to strengthen children's physical development that helps them when learning to write.
Subject leadership is developing.
In many subjects, leaders have checked how well the curriculum is taught. In a minority of subjects the curriculum is not as well developed. As a consequence, pupils don't gain the essential knowledge they need to learn effectively.
Pupils learn to read well. Leaders have ensured staff have the subject knowledge to teach phonics with confidence. Pupils practise the skills to read unfamiliar words and quickly become fluent readers.
Any pupils who struggle to keep up with their peers receive effective support. Pupils of all ages enjoy reading books for pleasure and listening to stories.
Leaders have prioritised teachers' subject knowledge across the curriculum.
For example, in physical education (PE), teachers have the opportunity to work alongside specialists. This builds teachers' confidence in delivering the subject curriculum. Staff work together to plan effective learning.
This is particularly important given the number of new staff. Some are new to teaching, and others have moved year groups as part of the new school structure. Staff appreciate these opportunities for professional dialogue.
They feel this helps them to manage their workload.
Pupils with SEND have their barriers to learning accurately identified. Teachers work closely with leaders and parents to set targets that are measurable and specific.
These are then used to adapt learning in the classroom. This enables pupils with SEND to learn successfully, making progress from their individual starting points.
Leaders plan for a wealth of experiences to cultivate pupils' personal development.
There is a sequenced curriculum for pupils' personal, social, health and relationships education. Assemblies and acts of worship give pupils opportunities to reflect on core values. However, leaders do not check pupils' understanding of this important content.
Pupils struggle to recall learning. They do not have a secure understanding of some aspects of this area of the curriculum.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders know pupils and families well. They use this knowledge to make sure that when support is needed, it is effective. Leaders work well with a range of agencies and share important information appropriately.
There are effective procedures for the recruitment and management of any allegations against staff. Staff know the processes for recording and reporting any concerns. Leaders keep detailed records and are swift to respond.
Governors make regular checks on the school's procedures for keeping pupils safe.
Pupils learn about ways to stay safe online. They trust adults to listen to them if they have a worry.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, subject leadership is underdeveloped. This means the implementation of the curriculum is not monitored as effectively. Senior leaders should ensure that, in all curriculum areas, subject leaders have a clear oversight of how well pupils in all age groups learn the intended knowledge.
• Leaders have not checked if the curriculum for pupils' personal development is fully effective. Pupils do not have a secure understanding of some important aspects of the curriculum. Leaders need to assure themselves that the curriculum is effectively implemented, and pupils know and remember the intended learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.