Hertsmere Jewish Primary School

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About Hertsmere Jewish Primary School

Name Hertsmere Jewish Primary School
Website http://www.hjps.herts.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Rita Alak-Levi
Address Watling Street, Radlett, WD7 7LQ
Phone Number 01923855857
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 406
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There is a vibrant 'buzz' and community spirit around the school.

Each morning gets off to a good start with friendly greetings between staff and pupils. These kind, respectful relationships continue throughout the day. Older pupils love to help younger pupils in classes and at breaktimes.

Pupils develop confidence and are proud to be themselves. They are accepting of difference. Pupils are self-aware and reflective.

The understand what they need to help themselves to learn effectively. They support each other to do their best.

Pupils know the high standards of behaviour that their teachers expect.

Pupils learn about the importance of good m...anners from the early years. Occasionally, some pupils lose their focus in lessons. When this happens, teachers gently remind them of the rules.

Pupils are eager to learn, from the start in early years. Adults ask questions that promote curiosity. Even the youngest children learn to persevere when tasks are hard.

In lessons, most pupils are keen to do very well. They achieve high standards and understand how their learning today will help them in the future.

There are plenty of opportunities for pupils to pursue interests such as gardening, choir and chess.

Sporting teams for netball and football help pupils develop their teamwork skills.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Together, school leaders at every level have established a shared vision. They check how effectively things are working and strive for ongoing improvements.

The safety and well-being of staff and pupils are at the forefront of the school's work. There is a happy and inclusive culture in the school.

The school has established an ambitious curriculum.

Children in the early years are supported through play to develop independence and learn early mathematics and reading skills, ready for Year 1. In most subjects, teachers have the right training and support to put curriculum plans in place well. In these subjects, pupils look forward to their lessons.

Teachers select activities and resources carefully so that pupils remember and build on key concepts. They check pupils' understanding. When teachers spot a misconception, they use this straight away to go back over what pupils need to know before moving the learning on.

In these subjects, most pupils achieve well and enjoy their lessons. Extra adults provide plenty of encouragement and reassurance. Sometimes, however, these adults could be even more effective in helping pupils to join in lessons and learn.

In a few subjects, including reading, the curriculum is newer. In these subjects, the expertise of staff to teach these subjects is not consistently strong. Children start to learn phonics straight away in the early years and most children quickly become fluent and enthusiastic readers.

Pupils who fall behind in reading get extra help straight away, but this is not consistently well matched to what pupils need to learn. Most pupils catch up quickly, but a few pupils do not make as much progress as they could. Pupils enjoy the ambitious books they encounter through the curriculum.

While outcomes in reading are high, there is even more to do to ensure that all pupils progress well in key stage 2.

The school is quick to spot pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school puts in place additional help for those who need it.

Occasionally, this help is not focused precisely on what pupils with SEND need to learn. Teachers adapt their lessons well with extra resources or explanations. This enables pupils with SEND to join in with learning alongside their peers.

Pupils' positive attitudes to school are reflected in their good standards of attendance and punctuality. Around the school, pupils behave well because they know and follow the school rules. In the early years, children learn to take turns and share their resources generously.

Older pupils are proud to take on leadership roles and show great care for their school and each other. The school council helps pupils to understand democracy in action as elected members work with leaders to make changes, such as to school lunches.

Pupils are well prepared for later life.

They learn about healthy eating, lifestyles and relationships. They also learn to stay safe online and out of school. Teachers encourage pupils to set themselves goals and to be aspirational.

Pupils also show care for others, for example by raising funds for charity.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the curriculum is not consistently well embedded.

In these subjects, some pupils have not achieved as well as they could. The school should ensure that staff have the guidance and support so that they can implement the curriculum in these subjects as well as leaders intend. The school should then evaluate the effectiveness of the changes made to ensure continued improvement.

• Some of the extra support for pupils is not precisely matched to their needs. When this happens, gaps in learning develop or persist. The school should ensure that staff have the expertise to provide appropriate support in and out of class and to monitor this support carefully to ensure that it works well.

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