Hethersett VC Primary School

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About Hethersett VC Primary School

Name Hethersett VC Primary School
Website http://www.hethersettvcprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Parslow-Williams
Address 22 Queen’s Road, Hethersett, Norwich, NR9 3DB
Phone Number 01603810498
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this school. There are a variety of activities that help to give them a well-rounded and rich school experience. Pupils become very confident and independent.

They have leadership responsibilities that they fulfil with pride and make a real difference to the school community. 'Playground Pals' and sports leaders organise activities. They help to look after younger pupils during playtimes.

Pupils take part in a wide range of charity and other activities. These help them to become good citizens of the future.

The school is highly ambitious for what pupils can achieve, both academically and in their personal development.

Pupils experien...ce a high-quality education, particularly in areas such as early reading and mathematics. As a result, they progress well with their learning. They love visiting the well-stocked libraries and are enthusiastic about books.

Behaviour at both playtime and in class is calm and focused. Most pupils are very keen to learn and listen carefully to their teachers. Pupils love playing with the wide array of equipment at playtimes.

They climb on the large equipment or show off their skills with juggling toys.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has ensured that, as it expanded to have all primary year groups, there are appropriate curriculums in place. In most cases, the knowledge that pupils will learn is well sequenced from the early years through to Year 6.

The school has developed staff knowledge of how to support younger pupils' development, for example, in areas such as phonics and communication. Teachers present new learning to pupils clearly and effectively in these areas. Lessons regularly revisit what has come before to make sure that pupils remember and understand.

As a result, many pupils achieve well.

Early reading is taught well. Pupils read regularly and practise phonics, unfamiliar vocabulary and tricky words frequently.

As a result, most pupils quickly become fluent readers. As they become more confident, pupils access a wide range of different books, with teachers recommending ones to widen their diet still further.

Pupils are enthused by teachers' 'hooks' for learning.

For example, a 'mythical monster' wrecked part of a classroom, and 'a cookie thief' left crumbs all down the corridor. Pupils excitedly considered who these might be and what clues have been left. Teachers use these types of activities well to inspire pupils' writing.

Most of the curriculum beyond English and mathematics is very well planned and taught in a logical order. Where this is the case, pupils build up knowledge well over time. There are a small number of subjects where this is less so.

In these subjects, the school has not as clearly thought through what pupils will learn in terms of the detail and order. As a result, teachers do not build on what has come before as effectively in these subjects.

The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well to access the same curriculum as their peers.

Staff make use of the clear support plans effectively. These show teachers how to support pupils with SEND so that they learn well.

The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

Most pupils follow the rules sensibly. They work hard and attend regularly.

The school goes above and beyond in other experiences and activities that it provides for pupils.

The school makes every effort to enable all pupils to participate in these activities. Clubs, such as kayaking, chess, cipher, dodgeball and more, are well attended. Pupils visit theatres and historical sites and take part in community action projects.

The school's curriculum is enhanced so that even if pupils are unable to attend after-school provision, they all have opportunities such as learning a musical instrument or archery.

Pupils have an excellent understanding of diversity and difference within our society. They are highly respectful and supportive of each other.

This is because of the high-quality teaching they receive about this and the world around them.

The school is well led. Staff are appreciative of how they are supported and trained.

Governors have a strong understanding of how the school is performing in core areas. They are building links with subject leaders as some aspects of the curriculum continue to develop.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school holds safeguarding in the highest regard. There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff have an excellent understanding of the signs that pupils might be at risk.

Where there are concerns about pupils, leaders follow up on these promptly and appropriately. This means that pupils get the help they need and are kept safe. However, some of the record keeping does not fully reflect that these actions have taken place or have been timely.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few areas of the curriculum, either schemes are new or not laid out in as much detail as others. Where this is the case, new learning does not build effectively on previous lessons. As a result, pupils do not build up a deep understanding of what is taught in those subjects.

The school needs to ensure that teaching of all subjects builds new learning clearly on what has come before. ? The records of how the school deals with some safeguarding concerns do not always reflect fully the actions taken or that concerns were addressed on the same day when needed. The school needs to ensure that actions taken are always recorded precisely and in a timely manner.

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