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Pupils flourish at this school because expectations for pupils' behaviour and achievement are high.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), know that adults want them all to succeed. The warm and nurturing relationships between staff and pupils sit at the heart of the school's positive culture. Pupils appreciate the individual care and attention they receive from all staff.
They trust that adults will help them. This makes pupils feel happy and secure.
Pupils behave well.
They understand and follow the school's values of kindness and respect. This helps pupils maintain firm friendships. Children in the early... years are assigned an older pupil 'buddy'.
This buddy helps them settle into school life and learn routines. If pupils need help to manage their feelings, staff and other pupils support them well.
Pupils are proud to take on positions of responsibility.
They are, for example, a 'friendly face', a librarian, a house captain or a school councillor. Pupils value the opportunity to have their opinions listened to. They take part in local events such as remembrance services and harvest festivals.
Pupils raise money for different charities. This develops a strong sense of teamwork and being community-minded.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school knows its pupils very well.
It has tailored its curriculum to meet the needs and interests of pupils. The curriculum is ambitious and designed to deepen and extend pupils' knowledge. As a result, pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
The school ensures that teachers know how to teach the curriculum well. Staff value the training and support they receive. Lessons enable pupils to connect knowledge between different subjects and topics.
This means that pupils have a wider understanding of what they have learned. For example, pupils can use their prior learning about manufactured and natural materials in science to compare Aboriginal and modern musical instruments.
In most subjects, teachers check what pupils can remember.
They use this information to adapt lessons to meet pupils' needs. This means that pupils can rehearse and secure important knowledge. However, in some foundation subjects, checks on pupils' knowledge are not robust enough.
This means the school does not have an accurate view of how well pupils learn over time or retain subject knowledge.
The school has ensured there is a structured approach to teaching pupils to read. Pupils learn phonics quickly and soon become confident readers.
In the early years, staff frequently read stories to children and encourage children to repeat the phrases and rhymes. The books that pupils read closely match the sounds that they know. Staff provide effective support for older pupils who find learning to read harder.
As a result, pupils develop a love for reading. Once pupils become fluent readers, they can choose from a wide range of books. The school library, run by enthusiastic pupil librarians, is open for pupils every break and lunchtime.
The school quickly identifies pupils' additional needs. Pupils with SEND have personalised targets. These contain clear guidance for staff on how best to help pupils with SEND.
The number of pupils with SEND whose needs are more complex has risen recently. The school makes effective and timely adaptations to the curriculum to ensure pupils have full access to the curriculum. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.
In the early years, a carefully structured curriculum promotes children's curiosity and interest. They are supported to be independent and to explore learning through their play. Children are helped to express their feelings in a measured way.
They share resources and turn take well.
Pupils behave well. They know and understand the routines.
Staff apply the school rules consistently. The school has an effective and efficient approach to checking pupils' strong attendance.
The school offers a range of experiences to broaden pupils' horizons.
Pupils value opportunities to go on trips, such as to the Houses of Parliament. This helps to develop their understanding of democracy and the rule of law. Pupils learn about different cultures and lifestyles.
They have an age-appropriate understanding of equality and diversity. Pupils understand, for example, that families can be different. They are caring and show respect for others' values.
Leaders accurately understand what is working well and what needs to be improved. Their plans to improve the school have been communicated to staff and agreed with governors. Governors' regular monitoring enables them to see what is happening in the school and ask important questions about leaders' decisions.
Governors understand and carry out their statutory responsibilities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some foundation subjects, the school is still developing its approach to checking what pupils know and understand.
This means teachers do not accurately assess pupils' knowledge. Therefore, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge, which is not always addressed. The school needs to ensure that staff confidently know how to identify gaps in pupils' learning and securely fill them in all subjects.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.