Hewett Academy

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About Hewett Academy

Name Hewett Academy
Website http://www.inspirationtrust.org/hewettacademy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Antony Little
Address Cecil Road, Norwich, NR1 2PL
Phone Number 01603531564
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 317
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending Hewett Academy.

They are happy and well cared for. Pupils know that there is always someone there to help them out if they are feeling unhappy. The school is like an extended family.

Pupils take pride in each other's successes and provide support to each other.

In response to the school's high expectations, the majority of pupils work hard. As a result, they produce work of a high quality.

Some pupils have received national recognition for their efforts.

Pupils benefit from an exceptionally well-planned programme of activities and lessons that help them understand the role they have in society. As a result, pupils have... a deep and meaningful awareness of diversity, equal opportunity and respect.

They develop a strong sense of fairness. Pupils develop positive relationships with each other and adults. They celebrate difference and champion the benefits of a diverse community.

There is no tolerance for unkindness, and bullying rarely happens.

Pupils behave well in school. They are generally attentive in lessons, which proceed without disruption.

They move around school sensibly. This creates a calm and purposeful environment, where all can thrive.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is ambitious.

The knowledge pupils need to know to succeed in the future is set out clearly and in a logical order. As pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), progress through the curriculum they use what they have already learned to understand new information. This leads to pupils developing an increasingly complex and deep understanding in all curriculum areas.

Pupils learn to apply their knowledge to become creative problem-solvers.

In most cases, teachers use curriculum plans to deliver effective learning experiences. Instructions given by teachers are clear.

They use well-crafted models to show pupils how to succeed in learning activities. Generally, checks made by teachers in class determine if pupils are ready to move on. When teachers spot a gap in pupils' understanding, they address it immediately.

However, some teachers are not as effective at identifying misconceptions or knowing where there are gaps in pupils' knowledge. In these cases, teachers do not identify accurately what pupils know. As such, teachers are not able to target effective support where it is needed.

In these instances, pupils are unable to start or successfully complete tasks, which means pupils do not learn as well.

Supporting pupils who struggle with reading is a high priority. The school quickly identifies the specific barriers to reading.

Expert teachers put help in place to support pupils. This helps pupils to catch up swiftly in developing their reading knowledge. Consequently, they rapidly become confident and fluent readers.

The school accurately identifies what is needed to support pupils with SEND to achieve well. Training is provided to ensure that teachers are confident when they plan activities to meet the various needs of pupils with SEND. Well-considered adaptions help pupils with SEND to make progress alongside their peers.

As a result, pupils with SEND are supported well to be able to access the same ambitious curriculum as others.

The personal, social and health education and careers programmes are extremely well planned. They provide pupils with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

This results in pupils gaining a deep understanding of difficult issues, such as cyber-bullying and consent. Pupils place great value on equality, respect and tolerance. They forge positive relationships.

Pupils are developing into respectful, responsible citizens. They are well prepared for their next steps. Pupils' respect for each other means they know that inconsiderate actions can prevent others from learning.

Many regard this as unacceptable and, as a result, they behave well.

The school ensures that all pupils have access to an extensive 'entitlement programme'. Pupils learn important skills that prepare them for adult life.

For example, they learn how to sew and repair clothes, and they learn a variety of life-saving skills. Visits to art galleries and museums bring their academic learning to life.

There is a large range of after-school clubs and experiences.

This offer goes beyond the traditional school offer, such as learning an instrument. Pupils have the chance to learn about Japanese culture or programming artificial intelligence. Pupils value these opportunities and take advantage of them, so much so that many opportunities, such as the triathlon club, are oversubscribed.

The trust provides support and maintains an accurate oversight of the school's work to ensure that the experience of every pupil is positive.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They share leaders' ambition and vision for pupils.

They are determined to make it a reality.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Not all teachers use assessment precisely enough to determine exactly what pupils know and/or when pupils are ready to move on to the next stage of learning.

This means that, at times, teachers are unable to adapt their teaching to address misconceptions. Consequently, some pupils are not able to start or successfully complete learning activities, particularly where composite tasks need to be solved. Leaders should ensure that all staff have the knowledge and skills needed to accurately assess precisely what pupils know in order to adapt their approaches to rapidly address misconceptions or gaps.

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