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There are clear routines that help pupils move around the school sensibly. Behaviour is good. Playground activities are well organised.
Pupils play together well. Some pupils are uncertain about the difference between bullying and falling-out. Even so, bullying is rare.
Pupils are confident that adults will help them if they need support.
Pupils say that teachers plan interesting lessons. Leaders plan a curriculum that provides a broad range of subjects.
However, some plans are quite new. Sometimes, pupils do not always remember what they have been taught. Pupils enjoy experiencing visits and visitors linked to... their lessons.
For example, pupils in Year 3 were enthused by a Viking workshop. There is a broad range of extra-curricular activities. Extra-curricular clubs are well attended.
However, not many disadvantaged pupils attend these clubs. Leaders have plans to increase their attendance at extra-curricular clubs.
Leaders and teachers have high expectations of pupils.
Pupils' work is neat and tidy. Most pupils focus well on their activities. Teachers refocus pupils quickly when they do not pay attention.
Pupils are keen to share their ideas with the class. They are confident when speaking with adults.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have worked hard to improve standards in reading.
The subject leader has worked closely with the academy trust. The subject leader provides staff with good support. Pupils build on what they know each year.
Reading lessons focus on a wide range of comprehension skills. Teachers plan activities that help pupils to develop these skills. Teachers select challenging books to study.
For example, pupils were captivated when reading 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. This also helped them to reinforce what they had learned in history.
Leaders have reviewed the curriculum.
The plans they have written are ambitious. Plans for each subject make it clear what pupils should know as they move through the school. Subject leaders check the quality of learning in their subject.
They provide teachers with good support. Plans for science and art are starting to improve the quality of pupils' work. However, there has not been time to fully put in place plans for all subjects.
Leaders recognise this and have a plan in place to provide teachers with support across the year.
Sometimes, when pupils finish tasks quickly, there is nothing for them to move on to. This means that they do not get the chance to reinforce what they have learned or to take their learning further.
When we spoke to pupils, some found it difficult to remember what they had recently learned. For example, some pupils found it difficult to recall what they had learned in science last term. This means that, despite a well-planned curriculum, some pupils find it difficult to build on what they know.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are taught well-planned activities. These pupils receive a broad curriculum. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) checks that these pupils follow a curriculum that is similar to that of other pupils.
Leaders and teachers work closely with external agencies to provide effective support.
Pupils learn how to develop healthy relationships. They understand the importance of tolerance and respect.
Pupils can talk about celebrating differences and being respectful. Pupils take part in a range of activities that help them to understand ways to stay safe. For example, the school's lantern parade brings the community together at Bonfire Night and also reminds pupils about fire safety.
Leaders and governors are passionate about the school. They are determined to make sure that it improves. They have established strong links with the community.
There is a strong team culture among the staff. Leaders provide staff with effective training. Staff feel valued.
They appreciate the support that they receive from leaders and the academy trust.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The safety of pupils is a priority.
Leaders carry out thorough checks to ensure that adults are suitable to work with children. Staff receive regular training. They know how to identify signs that suggest pupils may be at risk of harm.
Leaders work closely with outside agencies to ensure that pupils are well looked after.
There are clear systems to report concerns. Records are detailed.
Staff are tenacious when following up any concerns. Staff meet regularly to discuss the support that pupils receive. Governors check that leaders follow the school's procedures for safeguarding.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Leaders have introduced new curriculum plans. In some subjects, such as science and art, plans are already beginning to improve the quality of learning. However, this is not true of all subjects.
Leaders have plans in place to address this. Leaders should support teachers to introduce the new plans they have written for all subjects this year. .
In some lessons, pupils complete tasks quickly and do not have additional work to complete. Teachers should ensure that there are opportunities for pupils to consolidate or extend their learning when they have finished the tasks they are given.New curriculum plans are well sequenced.
However, sometimes, pupils do not remember what they have been taught. This means that they are not able to build on what they know. Leaders should continue to support teachers to develop strategies that help pupils to remember what they have been taught.