Highfield Infants’ School

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About Highfield Infants’ School

Name Highfield Infants’ School
Website http://www.highfield-inf.bromley.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Allison Morris
Address Highfield Drive, Shortlands, Bromley, BR2 0RX
Phone Number 02084647804
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and confident learners who are very proud of their school. The staff teach pupils to be safe. Pupils learn about online safety and first-aid skills.

Leaders have created a school culture based on high aspirations for all pupils. There is a clear behaviour system that is consistently applied by staff and understood by pupils. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent.

Pupils are highly motivated to learn. They show commitment and resilience.

Pupils understand what bullying is.

They know to tell an adult if they experience 'unkind behaviour'. Pupils agree that staff do not tolerate bullying and will make sure that it stop...s.

The school's values are well embedded in the school culture and curriculum.

Pupils demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the values in concrete ways. Pupils show that they are determined in taking risks and trying their best, even in the face of challenges.

Leaders have developed a bespoke home learning programme that is closely linked to pupils' interests.

Teachers signpost parents to organisations and clubs for pupils who show exceptional talents and skills in areas such as music and sports.

The school council has been instrumental in contributing to the wider community. Pupils take the lead in supporting a local children's hospice.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is cohesive, well planned and embedded in the early years areas of learning. It is deeply engaging. Pupils make strong links across all subjects.

Teachers use questioning skilfully to check what pupils think and understand. They address misconceptions well and remove barriers to what pupils need to learn and know. Pupils rightly say that teachers help them to, 'recap on things, by going over what they have learned'.

As a result, pupils remember crucial information well.

Leaders place great importance on instilling a deep love for reading. They have been careful in linking what pupils read to the sounds they know, the topics studied and the school's values.

There is a consistent approach to the delivery of the phonics programme in lessons. Teachers target pupils with precision. This means that pupils progress rapidly in learning and in applying their knowledge of sounds.

Highly skilled staff offer opportunities to recap, revisit and rehearse sounds that are taught. Teachers promote the development of reading skills through the school's 'VIPERS' approach. Pupils understand that this stands for vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, and sequence.

They use their knowledge of sounds to spell and write with high levels of accuracy.

In mathematics, learning experiences have a well-defined focus. Instructions are clearly presented.

Teachers give pupils plenty of time to practise their understanding before asking them to apply their knowledge to different contexts. Staff develop pupils' reasoning skills well by encouraging them to prove and explain what they know and understand. This begins in the early years.

Teachers model learning well. For example, staff show children how to use the role-play area in Reception by demonstrating the expectations of high-quality play and language. Staff interact and respond well to children's learning in the early years.

Staff encourage high standards of talk, creativity, and the use of imagination. The learning environment is stimulating, attractive, and well organised. The outdoor spacious 'Rainbow Area' enables children to explore the mud kitchen, bug hotels and sensory play zones.

Ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are high. Teachers expect pupils with SEND to achieve the same curricular end points as their peers. Staff support pupils extremely well in lessons and give instant feedback on what needs to be improved.

At the end of each year, pupils are well prepared for the next stage of learning. This is because they have secured confidence and competence in reading, writing and mathematics.

Pupils are courteous, polite, and well-mannered.

They relate well to each other because staff have promoted a respectful environment. Pupils are consistent in demonstrating responsibility through high levels of self-control and discipline. They discuss what they are learning with great enthusiasm and passion.

Teachers make learning demanding. Pupils thrive on the opportunities given to extend and challenge their thinking. This is fostered in Reception, where staff give children 'Rainbow Challenges' to complete work in all the areas of the early years.

One child described this well, as 'stretching their brain to become more intelligent'.

The personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme is a strength. Pupils learn about British Values, keeping safe, understanding emotions, and managing their feelings.

In Reception, children reflect on what makes them unique. Pupils in Year 1 equate their own self-confidence to the self-belief Bessie Coleman showed, an explorer they have learned about in history.

Those responsible for governance are proud of the culture of 'no limits or barriers' they have generated.

Leaders provide effective professional development to ensure staff deliver a high-quality curriculum. Staff feel well supported by leaders and workload is manageable. Parents are very positive about the school and the progress their children make.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide many opportunities through the assembly programme to teach pupils to be safe. The content of the PSHE curriculum reinforces this well.

Children in Reception speak about using sharp tools safely when baking with teachers.

The trust supports the school effectively in training staff in safeguarding. Adults know and fulfil their duties and responsibilities.

Leaders use the school reporting system to gather a comprehensive overview of the needs of pupils and families. Staff are tenacious in following-up cases with external agencies. Measures are in place to ensure that the site is secure and pupils well supervised.

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