Highfield Primary School

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About Highfield Primary School

Name Highfield Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Wilson
Address Highfield Road, London, N21 3HE
Phone Number 02083602149
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 691
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The impact of the headteacher's vision, drive and exceptional leadership has ensured the school has gone from strength to strength. From the mini-farm to the rich, vibrant and thought-provoking displays of work throughout the school, pupils are encouraged to be curious about the world. Senior and middle leaders know the school extremely well.

They know what improvement to make and take prompt and effective action. Pupils in the early years settle promptly. They make significant progress from very low starting points and by the time they leave the school at the end of Year 6 their progress, which has accelerated year on year, leads to their... attainment becoming well above average in English and mathematics.

The vast majority of parents cannot praise the school highly enough for its work. The school's safeguarding arrangements are effective. All staff and leaders, including governors, are able to carry out their duty of care in keeping children safe.

A significant number of pupils of different ages, from different countries and backgrounds; often at the early stages of speaking English, start school at different points in the year. They are warmly welcomed and make rapid progress. Teachers know their pupils well.

They use this knowledge to good effect, ensuring pupils make rapid and sustained progress. The curriculum is a strength of the school. Each subject is brought to life through innovative, creative and practical approaches which challenge and spark pupils' interest.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They look after each other, are inquisitive about learning and have a deep understanding of fairness and tolerance towards people who have different backgrounds and beliefs. The governing body have made significant improvements since the last inspection.

Leaders are questioned closely about pupil progress and the quality of teaching. Early years provision is outstanding. The exciting, stimulating and nurturing environments, both inside and outside, are well planned, ensuring pupils develop an early love of learning.

Leaders are well aware that there are still a few groups of pupils whose progress is not as fast as that of their peers. Inspectors agreed with this issue as the school's area for improvement.

Information about this school

Highfield Primary School is larger than most primary schools.

A higher than average proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language. The number of children looked after is higher than in most schools. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is much higher than average.

The numbers of pupils who join or leave the school other than at the usual times is higher than average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs or disability is above average. Since the last inspection, the school has increased in size and a new building for the early years, key stage 1 and visitor reception has been completed and opened.

The school meets the current government floor standards. The content of the school's website meets government requirements. The school runs breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs for pupils aged five and above.

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