Highgate Wood Secondary School

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About Highgate Wood Secondary School

Name Highgate Wood Secondary School
Website http://www.hws.haringey.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Patrick Cozier
Address Montenotte Road, London, N8 8RN
Phone Number 02083427970
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1554
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

Students at Highgate Wood Secondary School enjoy a good quality of education because the good teaching they receive secures equally effective learning and progress. Achievement is good with students making good progress from their starting points to reach above average attainment. A very large majority of students say they feel safe in school, a belief supported by an overwhelming majority of parents and carers.

This is in line with the school's motto 'Everyone Matters'. This, coupled with good behaviour in lessons and around the school, creates a positive and inclusive learning ethos, where the business of the day is to develop young and creative individuals who are well prepared for the next stage o...f their lives. The headteacher sets high standards for behaviour, which is reflected in the above average proportion of fixed-term exclusions recorded by the school.

Students' attendance is average overall, but is inconsistent for some students in Year 11. However, punctuality is good and the school develops students' skills in literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology well. An emphasis on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and the good development of leadership skills is evident through the numerous roles and responsibilities entrusted to students, who speak positively about the difference they feel they make in school.

Students' good spiritual, moral, social and cultural development makes a positive contribution to their personal development and achievements. The well-planned curriculum serves the needs of students because it successfully identifies barriers to progress and makes the most of opportunities provided by organisations with which the school works in partnership. The specialist subject areas make a good contribution to students' creative skills and to their development of confidence and self-esteem.

Students benefit from good teaching, which is effectively led and managed. This is further enhanced by good use of assessment to support learning. Well-targeted care, guidance and support enable students to maximise their potential because their specific needs are correctly identified, and intervention strategies are carefully and sensitively implemented.

Leaders and managers demonstrate an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses through their self-evaluation documentation. This approach towards school improvement, which has clearly led to improved outcomes for students, gives the school a good capacity to sustain further improvement. Lines of communication are clear and members of the school's community contribute successfully towards implementing the headteacher's vision of high expectations and high achievement for all students irrespective of their starting points.

Members of the governing body fulfil their statutory duties well, particularly with regard to the safeguarding of children and in their promotion of community cohesion. The school engages parents and carers well in their children's education and one of the school's particular strengths in this area is the way in which it uses both questionnaires and web page blogs to gather views, on which it then acts. The popular sixth form enjoys a positive reputation locally and, through good leadership and management, it complements the provision provided in Years 7 to 11.

Students' good achievement is secured through an appropriately diverse curriculum offer and they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives. Sixth-form students speak highly of the provision and are empowered to develop as increasingly independent learners.

Information about the school

Highgate Wood Secondary School is a larger than average school, with specialist Arts College status.

Just over 50% of students come from a wide range of minority ethnic groups and there are more boys than girls on roll. The proportion of students known to be eligible for free school meals is well above the national average. A larger than average proportion of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities attend the school, but the proportion of these with a statement of special educational needs is below the national average.

The proportion of students who speak English as an additional language is above the national average. The school holds the International School award. It also has Healthy School status, as well as the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

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