Hill Top Academy

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About Hill Top Academy

Name Hill Top Academy
Website http://www.hilltop-primary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Principal Mrs Nichola Clark
Address Edlington Lane, Edlington, Doncaster, DN12 1PL
Phone Number 01709863273
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 394
Local Authority Doncaster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school provides exceptional opportunities for pupils. The school leaves no stone unturned to ensure that every pupil learns and achieves well.

Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are proud to represent the school within the local community. There are many opportunities for pupils to develop their interests outside of lessons, such as a school choir and a pupil parliament.

Pupils can attend a wide range of clubs. These experiences help pupils to develop high levels of confidence.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in class and around school.

They know and understand what is expected of them. Pupils have high expectations of themselves and others. Th...is contributes to a calm environment across school.

Pupils know that staff will help them if they are concerned about something. Pupils feel safe at school.

Over time, the school has built and maintained positive relationships with families.

Staff engage with external agencies to support pupils. The school is well respected in the local community. A parent summarised the opinions of many, saying, 'Hill Top is a fabulous school, serving its community.'

Staff care deeply about improving the life chances of pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum that pupils follow is broad and ambitious. Pupils enjoy learning.

They achieve well. The curriculum has been broken down into clear steps of learning that build up over time. The school provides excellent training opportunities for teachers to develop their subject knowledge.

As a result, teachers design lessons that ensure that pupils build their knowledge. Teachers make sure that lessons are adapted so that all pupils can access learning. Teachers check that pupils can use and apply what they have learned in a range of contexts.

Teachers provide regular opportunities for pupils to revisit previous learning. This helps pupils to remember the knowledge and skills that they have learned. Pupils are encouraged to make connections to what they already know.

This helps them to develop a deep understanding of the areas they study.

Teachers carefully adapt lessons to ensure that pupils benefit from the curriculum. Most pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are supported to access the same learning as their peers.

Teachers are skilled at checking gaps in pupils' knowledge during lessons. They address them immediately, which prevents pupils from falling behind.

Reading is a priority.

Staff promote reading opportunities across the school. Older pupils read with younger pupils. Pupils enjoy reading and have opportunities to select from a range of books.

Pupils talk about their favourite authors and are proud of the progress they make. They read with increasing accuracy and fluency and know how important reading skills are for their later life. The school has ensured that staff in every year group have been expertly trained to teach phonics.

This has resulted in a consistent approach. Pupils quickly learn to read with fluency and confidence. Where pupils fall behind, staff ensure that they quickly catch up.

In the early years, phonics is skilfully embedded throughout the day. Staff provide regular opportunities for children to practise sounds and read them in words. The school ensures that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Staff in the early years know the children well. They build positive relationships with families. Children settle in quickly.

Staff are skilful at fostering children's independence in learning. Adults ask questions that challenge and develop children's thinking. Children develop high levels of concentration.

They build excellent relationships with each other. Staff in the setting use a wide range of resources well to enable children to learn the well-considered curriculum. Staff design activities to support children's individual needs.

Children are excited and eager to join in. Most children are ready for the challenges of Year 1. For those who are not, additional provision is used to make sure that they catch up quickly.

The school places a strong emphasis on pupils' personal development. It provides a range of opportunities to enable pupils to become leaders. They can become ambassadors, play leaders and mini midday supervisors.

Pupils are rewarded with 'pay' for some roles. This teaches pupils about the world of work. The school invites visitors to help raise awareness and aspirations about different types of jobs.

Pupils know they are citizens of the world, as well as the school and the local community. The school provides many trips and experiences. Pupils learn about different faiths and beliefs in an age-appropriate way.

People from different faith groups talk to pupils about their real-life experiences. Other visitors to school have included people who have physical disabilities. These experiences develop pupils' awareness of equality and diversity.

As a result, pupils are tolerant and respectful of people who are different to themselves. Pupils learn how to stay safe and be healthy and who can help them.

Leaders, including those with responsibility for governance, know the school well.

They have a shared vision for the school and understand their roles. They use their experience to challenge and support school leaders well.

Curriculum leaders know their subjects well and share their expertise.

This enhances the quality of education on offer. The school has created a safe and supportive environment that allows teachers to develop their skills. Teachers who are early in their careers are well supported through appropriate professional development.

Leaders consider staff's well-being and workload. Staff are happy to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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