Hill View Junior Academy

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About Hill View Junior Academy

Name Hill View Junior Academy
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Headteacher Mrs Hayley Sutton
Address Queen Alexandra Road, Sunderland, SR2 9HE
Phone Number 01915947982
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 453
Local Authority Sunderland
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. The headteacher, senior leaders and school staff have worked hard to ensure that improvements since the last inspection have been quick and effective. Pupils achieve well in their time at school.

They make good progress each year so that by the end of Year 6 their standards of work are above average. Teachers are usually skilled at assessing where each pupil is at in their learning and often carefully plan and deliver the small steps in learning that lead to good progress. Opportunities for pupils to talk to their classmates are frequent, allowing them to share ideas, deepen their understanding and be fully involved in their lessons.

Dis...abled pupils and those with special educational needs make equally good progress to their classmates because of the high-quality support they receive. The excellent range of additional activities provided by the school, often after-school, allows pupils to develop their sporting, musical and artistic talents to the same level as their skills in English and mathematics. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary; in lessons, around the school and when at play.

They are extremely considerate of each other and their teachers. Attendance is consistently above average because pupils thoroughly enjoy the experiences their school provides. Leaders at all levels know their school well and are committed to making it the best it can be.

A consistent focus on improving the quality of teaching, together with regular checking of the progress pupils make has led to higher standards across the school. It is not yet an outstanding school because : A small minority of teaching is not yet good and too little is outstanding overall. Occasionally misunderstandings are not addressed quickly enough.

In a small number of lesson teachers do not give the more-able pupils work which is set at just the right level for them. Some pupils do not always have enough time to work on their own, especially when writing, and do not always know what to do to improve their work. Leaders, including governors, do not always keep a close enough eye on the progress pupils make when they are receiving additional support.

Information about this school

Hill View Junior School is much larger than average. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for pupil-premium funding is similar to that found nationally. The vast majority of pupils are of White British heritage.

Of those from other ethnic backgrounds, none are at the early stages of learning English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils supported through school action is below that found nationally. The proportion of pupils supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is broadly similar to the national figure.

The school holds many awards. These include the Artsmark Gold for its work in art and design and Healthy School status. The school meets the current government's floor standards, which set out the minimum expectations for attainment and progress.

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