Hillcroft Primary School

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About Hillcroft Primary School

Name Hillcroft Primary School
Website http://www.hillcroftschool.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Miss Louise Summers
Address Chaldon Road, Caterham, CR3 5PG
Phone Number 01883342606
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 453
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this inclusive and nurturing school. Staff share leaders' ambitious vision for the school and as a result, offer the pupils a thoroughly planned, structured and sequenced curriculum that is very well taught.

The curriculum is rich with learning opportunities for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The 'STRONG' values of self-control, tolerance, respect, awareness of others, no one left out and growing friendships are deeply embedded at Hillcroft. Pupils demonstrate these in their exemplary conduct around the school.

Through these values, there is a clear warmth that pupils show towards one an...other which is an integral part of the school.

Pupils' behaviour is exceptional around the school from early years through to Year 6, during lessons and at breaktimes. Bullying is very rare, and pupils are confident that adults will help them sort out any problems quickly.

Pupils are provided with many opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities and have an active voice in the school's pupil parliament. Pupils enthusiastically told inspectors about their roles and responsibilities and truly valued the fact that they too could be leaders within the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The executive headteacher and head of school have created a strong community and are passionate about giving every pupil the best possible education they can.

Every pupil is included. Staff have high aspirations for all to achieve to the best of their ability. These aspirations are consistently realised.

Pupils with SEND are accurately identified and remarkably well supported. Appropriate adaptations are made to ensure that these pupils have access to the full curriculum offer. Leaders are relentless in their drive to ensure that all pupils can attend school and feel safe and cared for.

This unremitting ambition is seen across the school where leaders have planned a highly ambitious curriculum that is extremely well sequenced. Leaders have also developed an approach to teaching and learning that is exceptional. Staff provide a consistently high-quality education for all pupils across all subjects and year groups.

Across the school, pupils demonstrate excellent recall and subject knowledge and show a real love of learning. The early years provision is exceptional. Leaders and staff understand the curriculum they have developed and as a result, children are highly engaged and motivated.

They are extremely well supported and cared for. The very well-designed early years curriculum prepares children well for the next stage of their educational journey.

Teachers are rigorous in their assessments of pupils' understanding.

This enables them to check that nobody falls behind. On the rare occasions that they do, support is put into place by a highly trained team of staff across the school.

Pupils are confident, fluent readers who appreciate books and enjoy reading a range of genres.

All staff share the love of reading and model that joy to their pupils. There is a relentless focus on reading across the school. This starts when children start in Nursery.

The school have implemented a clear sequenced phonics scheme which helps all children learn to read with skill and clarity. In other subjects, there are equally high expectations shared by all staff. All curriculum areas are important and, as a result, work in all subjects is of a high standard.

Pupils take responsibility for their own behaviour and know that it is important to behave well. Pupils' self-control and understanding of positive behaviour were seen across the school. All pupils know who they could go to if they had a concern or worry.

Pupils also know about tolerance and respect and have a clear understanding of the behaviour principles of the school. Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils' conduct, and this is seen in lessons and around the school.

Pupils have access to a rich personal development curriculum.

This not only looks after their well-being but also develops their character exceptionally well. Leaders are passionate about their nurture and well-being provision that encourages pupils to thrive. Leaders ensure that pupils have the space to talk and feel safe.

This whole community approach is also equally valued by staff and parents.

Support is readily available for families who may need it. The school's provision is highly valued by the wider community.

The life skills curriculum the school has developed ensures that pupils are equipped with the knowledge for life in a global world. Pupils understand British values and what it means to be respectful. Leaders actively ensure that there is a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities available to all pupils.

Disadvantaged pupils are encouraged to, and do, take part. Leaders rigorously explore funding options to allow this to happen.

Staff love working at Hillcroft and feel really well supported by leaders.

Their well-being is paramount. For all staff, there is high-quality professional development and consistent involvement in the school's life. Staff feel valued and are keen to share the work they do by collaborating with other schools in the trust.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all pupils are safe and cared for and as a result, have created a culture within the school where safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Staff clearly understand this and act accordingly.

Leaders ensure that they escalate concerns to the appropriate agencies so that families can get the correct help and support they need. Regular training helps provide the necessary knowledge to staff so that they are fully aware of the risks to pupils and the signs to look out for. Pupils learn about keeping safe, including online safety, through the school's life skills curriculum.

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