Hillsborough Primary School

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About Hillsborough Primary School

Name Hillsborough Primary School
Website https://www.hillsborough.sheffield.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nicola Wileman
Address Parkside Road, Sheffield, S6 2AA
Phone Number 01142347898
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 369
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Hillsborough Primary School are polite and courteous.

Their friendly dispositions make everyone feel welcome. One pupil, typifying the views of others, stated, 'If you don't have any friends outside school, you will find some in this school – everyone is friendly.'

Leaders have high ambitions for all pupils.

There is a positive learning culture throughout the school. Pupils are curious and engage with leaders' ambitious curriculum. As one parent commented, 'The culture of believe, belong, become is embedded and my child regularly talks about this and how it is part of everything they do in school.'

Leaders are currently developing the cur...riculum in some subjects, such as science. Leaders have recognised that pupils are sometimes less clear about what they are learning in these subjects.

Staff expect only the best behaviour from pupils.

Pupils are respectful towards staff and their peers. Lunchtimes are well organised. As a result, pupils play well together.

Children in early years are well cared for and enjoy school.

Pupils feel safe. They trust staff to help them if they have a problem.

If they do have a problem, then adults deal with it quickly. This includes bullying, which pupils say rarely happens.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have put in place a curriculum with which all pupils can succeed, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff skilfully identify pupils with SEND. They provide them with the help and resources they need. Teachers tailor support to meet the needs of individuals.

This enables pupils with SEND to learn well.

Leaders have developed the curriculum for most subjects, such as reading, mathematics, physical education (PE) and history. In these subjects, they carefully sequence the curriculum in a logical way that builds on pupils' prior knowledge over time.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. This helps them to plan activities that help pupils achieve. In some subjects, such as science, leaders are developing the curriculum.

Plans do not identify the precise knowledge that they want pupils to know. Therefore, teachers do not always design lessons that enable pupils to learn as well as they could. As a result, pupils remember the activity, such sowing seeds, rather than the important knowledge leaders want them to know, such as an understanding of germination.

Teachers plan opportunities for pupils to recall and practise previous learning through 'proof of progress' tasks. In subjects such as mathematics and reading, teachers regularly check pupils' understanding. They identify the specific knowledge that pupils do not know.

Teachers immediately plan lessons to address these gaps.As a result, pupils are successful. However, in some subjects, teachers do not have consistent systems to check what pupils have learned.

Sometimes, pupils' misconceptions go unnoticed and they find it harder to recall previous learning.

Pupils love to choose books from their new library. Pupils chat to others about the books that they have read during 'book conferences'.

Teachers challenge pupils to make a note of anything that they have read in 24 hours, from signs to food packets, and post these up on a special board.

Reading is a priority for leaders. Staff receive regular training and support to deliver the school's chosen phonics programme effectively.

Teachers regularly check that pupils know and apply the sounds that they have learned. They ensure that the books pupils read match the sounds that they know. Pupils who struggle to read receive immediate support.

Pupils read with increasing confidence and fluency.

Leaders' relentless focus on improving behaviour in school has resulted in a calm, orderly environment. Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils respond well to rewards and sanctions that are in place. Pupils who struggle to regulate their own behaviour are well supported.

Children in early years benefit from a curriculum that ensures that they are well prepared for Year 1.

Plans set out the knowledge and skills that children need to learn in the different areas of learning. Staff plan activities for the outside and inside areas that support children to learn well.

Pupils enjoy the personal development curriculum that teaches them how to stay healthy and to form positive relationships with others.

It prepares them for life in modern Britain. There is a range of opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills. This includes contributing to decision-making through the school council.

Pupils say that school councillors help make the school run better.

Staff are happy and proud to work at this school. They feel that their workload and well-being are well managed.

Governors and the trust support and challenge leaders well. They have an accurate view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are vigilant about pupils' safety and well-being. Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training. Staff know the indications of potential harm and how to raise concerns and record them.

Leaders keep detailed records and analyse these regularly.

Pupils talk with confidence about what they have learned about staying safe, including road safety, online safety and staying safe around strangers.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, such as science, the precise knowledge that leaders want pupils to learn and remember is not clear.

Some teachers' subject knowledge is weaker. They plan lessons that focus on the activity rather than knowledge. As a result, pupils are sometimes confused about what they are learning and remember the activity rather than the concepts.

Leaders should make sure that plans set out the key concepts and knowledge that they want pupils to learn in all subjects. They should ensure that staff are clear about this. Staff should receive training on how to deliver these plans effectively so that pupils learn.

• Pupils struggle to remember what they have learned in most subjects other than English and mathematics. Teachers check what pupils know, but these checks are not designed to identify the precise knowledge that pupils can remember or understand. Gaps in pupils' knowledge is not immediately addressed.

This means that misconceptions go unchecked for many months. Leaders should ensure that their assessment in the foundation subjects identifies the exact knowledge that leaders want pupils to know. Teachers should then use this information to address these gaps.

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