Hipperholme Grammar School

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About Hipperholme Grammar School

Name Hipperholme Grammar School
Website http://www.hgsf.org.uk
Headteacher Mr Nicholas James
Address Bramley Lane, HX3 8JE
Phone Number 01422202256
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 3-16
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 296
Local Authority Calderdale
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £873 to £4,550

Hipperholme Grammar School has provided high quality education for 370 years. Established in 1648, the School keeps its traditional values and at the same time offers a varied and challenging curriculum which prepares pupils for the modern, international world. Hipperholme Grammar School provides the type of education all parents are seeking: small but caring; academic yet focussed on personal development.
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