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Hob Green Road, Pedmore Fields, Stourbridge, DY9 9EX
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are happy at this fully inclusive school. Pupils play well together. They know that staff care for them and look after them.
Pupils know that staff are ambitious for them as learners. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) work alongside their peers and within the speech and language base. Their needs are very carefully met.
Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
The school has high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils are polite and kind.
Most pupils behave well and work hard. Learning is rarely disrupted. The school is a calm and orderly place to learn.
Children in the early ye...ars show enthusiasm and perseverance when learning something new. Pupils are taught to be resilient. They know it is 'okay to be different' and talk very well of fundamental British values and tolerance.
The structured lunchtime programme is a firm favourite with pupils. It offers a rich range of activities that pupils enjoy. It helps them to develop their social skills, encouraging positive interactions and teamwork.
There are many opportunities for pupils to lead, including being an Eco Warrior or a safeguarding ambassador. They enjoy the responsibilities of these roles.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
When children join the school in the early years, many do not have the skills and knowledge that are typical for their age.
This is particularly the case for their speech, language and communication. However, the school's ambitious curriculum for all pupils raises aspirations and helps them overcome any barriers. The school's high expectations support children in the early years and beyond to be ready to learn.
The school manages a specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND, which supports them with speech, language and communication needs. Pupils who attend this provision achieve well from their starting points. However, despite their progress, pupils struggle to attain the standards typically expected for their age.
This has an impact on the school's overall end of key stage 2 results in reading, writing and mathematics.
Reading is prioritised and staff are well trained to help pupils who struggle, so that nearly all pupils achieve well in phonics by the end of Year 2. The school places a real focus on pupils' language development and mastering subject-specific vocabulary.
Teachers' subject knowledge is strong. In most cases, teachers ask challenging and probing questions. This helps check what pupils know.
Teachers use this information to address gaps in pupils' knowledge. However, sometimes, teachers' questions do not support pupils to achieve the depth of knowledge they could. When this occurs, pupils' learning is not as rich as it could be.
The quality of support and care for children in the early years is excellent. Relationships are warm and positive. Children thrive.
The school expertly tailors its curriculum to meet each child's needs. This includes careful consideration of how children develop their communication and language skills. Nothing is left to chance, with activities carefully chosen to support the achievement of all.
Staff check what pupils know and remember within the units of work. Adult interactions deepen children's thinking. As a result, children can talk exceptionally well about their learning activities.
Attendance is a high priority for the school and families are supported appropriately. Attendance has improved over the last few years. Breakfast club has helped with this.
The school has carefully considered its approach to managing pupils' behaviour. Pupils receive individual support as needed. Children in the early years quickly learn the routines and behaviours they need to be successful in Year 1.
However, in some lessons, staff do not apply the behaviour policy with consistency. This impacts on the learning for some pupils.The school provides a thorough programme of personal development that prepares pupils for life in modern Britain.
Pupils learn about different relationships, and how to keep themselves healthy and safe. Pastoral support is strong and there is a wide range of after-school clubs that pupils are invited to attend. Pupils support the local community through raising funds for a local charity.
Staff are positive about the school and enjoy their work. They feel well supported by the school. The school actively seeks to engage with the community, for example providing a variety of workshops for parents and carers.
Trustees have a thorough understanding of the school. They provide the support and challenge to school leaders and hold them to account.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teachers' use of assessment does not consistently help to challenge pupils and extend their learning. This means that some pupils do not achieve as well as they might otherwise be expected to. The school should ensure that staff use assessment effectively to deepen and extend pupils' learning.
• Sometimes, staff do not apply the school's behaviour policies consistently well. This means that, at times, pupils' learning can be disrupted. The school should ensure that all staff have the knowledge and expertise to consistently enact the agreed behaviour management policies.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.