Hobbayne Primary School

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About Hobbayne Primary School

Name Hobbayne Primary School
Website http://www.hobbayneprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sharmaine Yoosuf
Address Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, London, W7 1HA
Phone Number 02085676271
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 372
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and kept safe here. This is because there are always adults to help them should they need it.

Pupils appreciate the 'worry box' to report any concerns they may have, as well as the access to the school counsellor in 'The Space'.

Pupils are polite and helpful, showing high levels of respect towards each other. They accept responsibility for managing their own conduct.

This is instilled through the 'You own your own behaviour' approach taken in school. As a result, behaviour is exemplary.

Leaders want all pupils to achieve well.

The curriculum is broad and ambitious. In most subjects, this helps pupils to deepen their knowledg...e and understanding. As a result, pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils appreciate the opportunities provided to take on extra responsibility. This includes representing their peers on the school council, as part of the eco-team, in managing the library and as playground buddies. They know that leaders value their opinions and contributions.

Consequently, they feel part of the school and any decisions that are made. For example, girls asked for a football club to increase their confidence in playing competitively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Early reading is prioritised right from the start.

A new programme was introduced last year to better support pupils to become fluent readers. All staff have been trained to teach phonics consistently. Reading books are carefully matched to the sounds pupils know, providing opportunities for them to practise and develop their fluency and accuracy.

Those at risk of falling behind are identified and supported to catch up quickly. A strong culture of reading is evident across the school. Pupils enjoy both reading and being read to.

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that sets out the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to understand from Nursery to Year 6. Children get off to a good start in early years. Learning progresses in a logical order, with opportunities for pupils to revisit and practise what they have learned before.

This ensures that pupils typically learn and remember the essential content and are well placed to access more complex learning over time. For example, in mathematics, children in Reception secure their understanding of key mathematical concepts, such as counting. These strong foundations help older pupils to understand place value when calculating larger numbers.

Similarly, in history, pupils practise using different sources of information to finds out about the past. This supports older pupils to discuss the relative reliability of sources when learning about propaganda.

In most subjects, teachers check that pupils have understood what they have learned.

Errors and misconceptions are swiftly identified and corrected. This helps pupils to deepen and embed their knowledge. However, this is not consistent.

Some subjects have been developed more recently and are not as well embedded. In these subjects, teachers do not check as carefully that pupils have learned and understood the essential content. This limits some pupils' understanding.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are accurately identified. Leaders work well with outside agencies to secure the support that pupils with SEND need in order to access an ambitious curriculum. Suitable adaptations typically enable access to the same curriculum as their peers.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent. Disruptions to learning rarely happen, and consequently every lesson is focused solely on learning. The majority of pupils come to school regularly and on time.

Effective support is put in place for those whose attendance needs to improve.

Pupils' broader development is a high priority. Leaders' work to develop pupils' strength of character is strong.

For example, the school's values, 'The 6 Rs' (respect, resilience, responsibility, reflectiveness, readiness and resourcefulness) are interwoven through the curriculum and the attitudes towards learning that pupils demonstrate. This learning starts in early years to help children take ownership of their choices. The 'we live, we speak, we act' approach is an integral part of building pupils' understanding in this area.

Leaders, staff and those responsible for governance have worked together effectively to address the weaknesses identified in the previous inspection. They have a secure understanding of the school's effectiveness and are committed to continuous improvement. Their detailed understanding of the school's strengths means that they have identified the right aspects to improve further.

Staff, including those at the start of their careers, are overwhelmingly positive about leaders' care and consideration of their workload and well-being. They feel valued and trusted.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding has a strong focus and is central to the school's culture and ethos. All staff and governors are well trained to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. They understand their responsibilities and report any concerns they have swiftly.

Leaders know families well. They are proactive in seeking support and advice from external agencies when needed to ensure that pupils and their families receive the support they need.

The curriculum has been designed to help pupils know how to stay safe.

For example, pupils learn about the concept of consent at an age-appropriate level.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some subjects are at an earlier stage of development. In these areas, teachers do not check as carefully that pupils have secured the important ideas they need.

As a result, errors and misconceptions are not consistently identified and corrected. Leaders should ensure that teachers check pupils' understanding and make the links with prior learning explicit. This will help to ensure that pupils develop a deeper understanding across the curriculum.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Ealing - Hobbayne Primary School

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