Hockerill Anglo-European College

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About Hockerill Anglo-European College

Name Hockerill Anglo-European College
Website http://www.hockerill.com
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Alasdair Mackenzie
Address Dunmow Road, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 5HX
Phone Number 01279658451
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 925
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Boarders and day pupils are happy here.

They enjoy studying the school's ambitiously broad range of academic subjects from Year 7 to Year 13. Leaders have very high expectations for all pupils. Usually, pupils study at least two modern foreign languages up to Year 11.

All students in the sixth form continue to study at least one language. Pupils achieve highly. They are extremely well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or work.

All pupils build character through the wide range of additional activities. Leaders organise numerous visits abroad, including to France, Italy and Spain. Pupils are strongly encouraged to make an active contribut...ion to the school and local communities.

All pupils participate in action, service and community projects as part of their studies. Many pupils take part in the Combined Cadet Force, and the school's orchestra, and are first-aid trained.

Pupils are safe and generally behave sensibly.

Bullying is rare. Staff resolve any problems swiftly. Leaders have established a strong system of pastoral support.

Pupils know who to speak to if they have any concerns.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have high expectations for pupils and have designed a curriculum that matches these ambitions. Leaders expect pupils to reach high academic success and also make sure that pupils experience a very broad range of enrichment activities.

For example, students in the sixth form study six subjects for the International Baccalaureate diploma. In addition to their chosen subjects, students in the sixth form study the theory of knowledge and participate in creative and service enrichment activities. Typically, students go on to study their chosen courses at university.

Subject leaders give very careful thought to the content of their courses and the order in which it is taught. Pupils build up their knowledge step by step and are ready for demanding work at diploma level in Year 12. Teachers check often what pupils know and remember.

When teachers identify any gaps or misconceptions in pupils' knowledge, they recap key subject content and rectify them swiftly. Subject leaders and teachers review how well pupils have learned important knowledge and adapt their curriculum thinking where needed.

Leaders are highly ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They are quick to identify any pupils with SEND and provide the support in class that they need to access the full curriculum. Leaders help pupils who have struggled to learn to read and provide appropriate support to build up reading confidence and fluency so that they can access the full curriculum.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils are considerate of one another and learning generally proceeds without interruption. Pupils' attitudes to learning are typically positive. On occasion, where teachers' expectations of pupils' behaviour are not as routinely high, pupils are not as focused on their work and staff do not always follow up low-level disruption.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exceedingly strong. Personal, social, health and economic education includes age-appropriate teaching about positive and healthy relationships, the significance of consent, and physical health and fitness. Leaders have carefully considered how the relationships education programme develops from Year 7 to Year 13.

Staff address any issues that may arise.

Leaders ensure that all pupils have every opportunity to expand their interests beyond the classroom. Many pupils learn to play musical instruments and participate in the school's choir.

They enjoy devising their own performance pieces and take responsibility for scriptwriting, stage design, music and acting. Pupils regularly journey abroad to practise their language skills and to study aspects of the curriculum such as German history. Many pupils achieve the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Students in the sixth form lead workshops for local primary school pupils, for example as part of International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Leaders make sure that all pupils receive the information they need to make informed decisions about their future education and careers.

The governing body understands its statutory role and holds leaders to account effectively.

Staff are proud to work at the school and typically feel that their workload is taken into consideration by leaders. They value the support and training that they receive. The overall experiences and progress of pupils in the boarding provision are good.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all staff identify quickly any pupils at risk of harm and secure the support they need. They make sure that all staff have up-to-date safeguarding training.

Staff recognise possible safeguarding concerns and respond appropriately should any issues arise.

Recent improvements mean that safeguarding concerns are usually managed carefully, following appropriate processes. Leaders usually follow up any concerns promptly with appropriate outside agencies and keep accurate records of any referrals.

However, during the inspection, inspectors found that, on one occasion, external safeguarding agencies were not consulted when they should have been. This did not lead to harm to children in the school; however, senior leaders failed to manage the concern appropriately. Consequently, a more robust system has been agreed for future concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasion, leaders have not followed the school's clear safeguarding policy as rigorously as they should. This means that action taken is not consistent with, and closely aligned to, statutory guidance at all times. Leaders should ensure that all safeguarding actions reflect the school's policies and current statutory guidance precisely and consistently.

• Sometimes, teachers' expectations of pupils' behaviour across classes and subjects are not consistent. As a result, sometimes pupils' behaviour varies depending on the subject or member of staff. Leaders must ensure that all staff share their high expectations of pupils' attitudes and behaviour and apply these consistently.

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Barracudas - Bishops Stortford

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