Holme Slack Community Primary School

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About Holme Slack Community Primary School

Name Holme Slack Community Primary School
Website http://www.holmeslackprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Michelle Peck
Address Manor House Lane, Preston, PR1 6HP
Phone Number 01772795257
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher, governors and staff have significantly improved the school since the last inspection. They have driven forward improvements in teaching and outcomes for all pupils.

Governors are knowledgeable about the school, hold senior leaders to account and are proactively involved in checking improvements. The strong teaching team and middle leaders know the school well and have established a firm basis from which to build further improvements. Pupils who are disabled or have special educational needs thrive as a result of the effective teaching and support they receive.

All pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with spec...ial educational needs, make at least good progress from starting points which are typically below those found for their age. Pupils' personal development and welfare are strengths of the school. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is central to all that the school does.

The quality of the learning environment, activities provided and teaching in early years is good. Strong relationships between staff, children and parents enable children to settle quickly. Children have a good attitude to learning and, as a result, they achieve well.

The quality of teaching and learning has improved and is now consistently good or better. Pupils work hard in lessons because learning is engaging and interesting. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Despite good progress, some pupils, especially disadvantaged pupils, continue to have gaps in attainment in reading, writing and mathematics, by the end of Key Stage 1.

Some potentially high-attaining pupils are not identified soon enough to ensure their needs are always fully met. Pupils' handwriting is not well developed. A few pupils arrive late to school because leaders do not insist enough on punctuality.

The school does not successfully engage all parents of pupils in Key Stages 1 ad 2 in their children's learning.

Information about this school

This is a smaller than average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is just below the national average, as is the proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language.

The proportion of pupils who are disabled or have special educational needs is twice the national average. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged and supported by the pupil premium is twice the national average. The pupil premium is additional funding for those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals and those children who are looked after by the local authority.

The school meets the government's floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6. The school has a specialist resource base for children with hearing impairments. Since the last inspection the school has restructured staffing, recruited a number of staff, including teachers, a learning mentor and teaching assistants, and set up an inclusion team.

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