Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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About Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Name Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jennifer Young
Address Upper Essex Street, Liverpool, L8 6QB
Phone Number 01517093672
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 213
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel welcome and safe in this 'school of sanctuary'. They are especially well cared for by the adults, who know them well. Some pupils join the school at different times in the year.

For many of these pupils, English is not their main language. They quickly feel part of this lively school community.

Pupils are happy in school.

They embrace and celebrate the diversity within the school. Pupils know how leaders and staff expect them to behave. They are highly respectful of each other and of adults.

They follow the school's rules well. This makes the school a calm and orderly place.

Pupils trust the adults in school to help them when the...y need it.

Staff listen to pupils and help them to overcome difficulties. Leaders deal with incidents, including bullying, quickly and effectively.

Leaders have raised their expectations of what pupils can achieve.

This starts in the early years where the curriculum has been well-thought-through to meet children's needs. Any pupils who need extra support get it quickly. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), as well as those who are learning to speak English.

As a result, pupils achieve better than they did in the past.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff share a clear vision for what they want pupils to achieve by the time that they leave the school. Leaders have significantly improved the way that the curriculum is designed and led.

The result is a well-organised curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. Leaders ensure that children build their knowledge from the early years as they progress into key stage 1 and beyond. Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their subjects.

They make sure that their curriculums develop pupils' vocabulary and broaden their experiences.

Teachers understand that it is important to check what pupils already know so that they can build on their prior learning. They do this skilfully in many subjects.

Pupils achieve well in these subjects. However, in a small number of subjects, teachers' checks are not as effective. They do not identify and address where some pupils have key knowledge missing.

Pupils' learning is uneven as a result.

Teachers make sure that pupils do not forget what they have learned in most subjects. Consequently, in these subjects, pupils remember key facts and learn new concepts well.

This approach to assessment is more recent in some other subjects. In these areas of the curriculum, pupils do not recall knowledge as easily because their knowledge is not secure. This slows down the rate at which they learn.

Leaders make reading a priority. Teachers and other staff across the school are well trained to teach pupils how to read. This includes older pupils who are at the early stages of learning to speak English.

Staff ensure that pupils across the school read books that are well matched to their reading knowledge. Pupils who need extra support read regularly to adults. This helps them to develop their fluency and confidence.

The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that more pupils need this extra help.

Teachers share high-quality texts with children and pupils. They take a genuine interest in what pupils read.

Pupils develop into keen readers. They enjoy selecting books from the well-stocked school library. They excitedly read books for pleasure and to broaden their general knowledge.

By the end of Year 6, most pupils read fluently with enjoyment.

Staff throughout the school identify quickly and accurately children and pupils who may have SEND. This starts in the early years.

Staff are skilled at giving children and pupils with SEND the support that they need so that these pupils can get the most from the curriculum.

Children in the early years quickly settle into the school routines. They develop secure social and emotional skills.

Children listen carefully to adults and follow instructions closely. Older pupils build well on this positive start. They are attentive in lessons and do not disrupt each other's learning.

Leaders' work to promote pupils' personal development is strong. Pupils learn about diversity among people and families. They are respectful of other faiths and cultures.

Pupils know what is right and wrong. They understand what makes a healthy relationship. Pupils are well prepared for their future lives.

Governors bring a rich array of expertise and experience to their role. They are well-equipped and provide leaders with informed support and challenge. Staff appreciate the support that they receive from leaders to help them to carry out their roles effectively.

Staff morale is high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know their school community extremely well.

Staff are well trained to keep pupils safe. They identify pupils who may be vulnerable and pass on their concerns diligently to leaders responsible for safeguarding. Leaders are persistent in following up concerns that staff raise.

Leaders ensure that pupils and their families get the timely support that they need. Leaders put in place highly effective support for pupils' emotional health and well-being.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe on and offline.

They know that they should speak out if they are made to feel uncomfortable by other pupils or adults.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, leaders' approach to assessment is at an earlier stage than in others. In these subjects, teachers do not use assessment strategies as effectively as they could to check what pupils know and remember.

This means that some pupils move on to new learning before they are ready. They find it hard to apply prior learning to new content as a result. Leaders should ensure that teachers check that pupils' knowledge is secure before they move on.

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