Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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About Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Name Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Zelia Munnik
Address Ongar Hill, Addlestone, KT15 1BP
Phone Number 01932846366
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 221
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

As the motto at Holy Primary Catholic School states, pupils are 'living each day as one happy and Holy family'. Pupils like coming to this friendly and welcoming school where they say that pupils are kind to each other. If there are any friendship or bullying issues, pupils are confident that adults will always sort this out for them.

Pupils are at the centre of leaders' thinking in this inclusive school. Leaders and staff want the best for every pupil and build caring relationships with them. Staff know each pupil exceptionally well.

They have an accurate view of pupils' needs. Staff make sure that pupils are supported emotionally and that their pastoral needs are me...t.

Leaders and staff have high aspirations for what every pupil can achieve.

Leaders expect pupils to try hard and do the best they can. Pupils respond positively to these expectations because they have developed good attitudes to learning.

Children in the early years get off to an excellent start.

They gain the essential knowledge they need in all areas of learning. Children develop the skills they need to achieve well during their time in Reception and are academically ready for Year 1 and beyond.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide an interesting and engaging curriculum for pupils.

They have identified the content and a logical order of skills that pupils are expected to learn in all curriculum subjects. However, in some subjects, exactly what knowledge pupils need to know and remember for the future and how to acquire these skills is not yet in place. Leaders have rightly prioritised the need to identify the key knowledge and concepts pupils should know, and by when, in each subject.

Work has started on this, but it is not yet fully implemented or embedded.

Reading is 'the beating heart of the school'. In Reception, phonics teaching is effectively structured and expertly delivered.

Children are taught to read as soon as they start school. Early readers practise their phonics knowledge every day. This helps them develop the skills they need to become confident readers.

Well-trained staff identify and provide support for those who struggle. As a result, these pupils catch up quickly.

As pupils move through the school, they are taught how to understand what they read and find out information.

They read and enjoy engaging texts. Teachers choose class books that ignite pupils' imagination and challenge their thinking. For example, in Year 6, pupils described the personality traits of key characters in 'Carrie's War'.

They were able to find quotes from the text to provide evidence to support their character analyses.

In mathematics, leaders have adopted a well-designed curriculum. It is clearly sequenced to ensure that pupils build on previous knowledge and develop skills over time.

Staff are quick to identify and help any pupil who is struggling with their learning in mathematics. This stops pupils from falling behind. The ambitious mathematics curriculum begins in Reception, where staff work with a sharp focus to develop children's knowledge and understanding of number facts.

The special educational needs coordinator works closely with staff to identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) precisely. Teachers and learning support assistants are trained well to understand how to support these pupils. They use a range of strategies to adapt learning and enable pupils with SEND to access the curriculum alongside their classmates.

Children's positive attitudes to school begin in the early years. Pupils across the school are enthusiastic about their learning and proud of their achievements. Classrooms are calm environments where pupils can concentrate.

They listen carefully and follow teachers' instructions. Pupils respond well to staff's high expectations of how they will behave in lessons.

Leaders are committed to ensuring that all pupils take part in opportunities to support their personal development.

There is a wide range of enriching and memorable experiences to build life skills. Staff encourage pupils to look after their physical, emotional and mental health. Pupils know that individuality makes them unique.

They are accepting of differences because it is talked about regularly in a meaningful way. For example, a Paralympian talked to pupils in assembly about their challenges and successes.

Governors are well informed about the work of the school and its strengths and areas for development.

They ask challenging questions to check the impact of school priorities and hold leaders to account for school improvement. Leaders and governors are well supported by the multi-academy trust and, in turn, are mindful of staff's workload and work-life balance. Staff are proud to work at Holy Family.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong safeguarding culture. Staff receive regular training, which makes them confident to report concerns.

Leaders support pupils and their family when this is needed. They do this effectively because they know each child and their individual circumstances well. Governors have good oversight of systems to ensure the safety of pupils in the school.

Pupils told inspectors that they felt safe at school. They said that they could always tell an adult if something was worrying them. Every parent who responded to the online questionnaire, Ofsted Parent View, said that their child feels safe at school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The key knowledge that pupils need to learn in some subjects is not yet sequenced progressively. This means that sometimes pupils cannot recall the key knowledge they need to underpin new learning. Leaders need to ensure that subject leaders identify, sequence and prioritise essential knowledge so that pupils are able to build on prior learning in all subjects.

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