Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy

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About Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy

Name Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy
Website https://www.holyrosaryprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Adam Jewkes
Address Hickman Avenue, Wolverhampton, WV1 2BS
Phone Number 01902878440
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy has improved since the previous inspection.

It has a strong focus on nurturing the whole child and staff promote the school's inclusive and Catholic values strongly. Pupils' behaviour in and around school is good.

Leaders have high expectations.

Collectively staff work hard to ensure that pupils become confident learners. English and mathematics are well planned and sequenced and as a result pupils' knowledge and skills in these subjects are strong. Some subjects, such as design and technology (DT) and French, are not as well planned.

However, it is clear from the actions of leaders that they are in the process of... bringing this about.

Currently, the full range of clubs and visits, normally available to pupils, have been paused as a result of COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions. Leaders plan to resume these as soon as is practically possible.

Pupils are happy to come to school and feel safe and well cared for. Bullying is uncommon. However, if it should occur, pupils are confident their teachers will sort it out.

Staff take great care to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school makes sure all pupils are included in all that it does.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders, governors and staff all want to provide the very best education for pupils.

Teachers ensure that learning activities are well organised and interesting. In most subjects, new learning builds on pupils' previous learning. Children in the Reception class make a good start.

The Reception class is well organised. Children in the early years can learn inside and outside of the classroom. Children continually extend their reading and mathematics skills.

For example, in the outdoor role play area, children sold the seedlings they had grown in their 'potting shed'.

The teaching of phonics and reading is well led and managed. Well-trained staff teach phonics daily.

The books pupils take home are carefully matched to the phonics sounds they know. Pupils who need support have well-focused interventions to help them keep up. Most pupils read fluently by the end of key stage 1 and continue to read widely as they move up through the school.

Teachers use their knowledge and enthusiasm to plan and deliver effective lessons in a range of subjects. This is particularly the case in mathematics. Problem-solving and reasoning are regularly built into classroom learning.

Pupils are confident and competent in deciding which operations are needed to solve problems.Personal, social, and health education (PSHE) lessons are engaging and relevant to the school's local and national contexts. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, for example by learning about the dangers of trespassing on railway lines and how to cross a road safely.

Pupils have a good understanding of fundamental British Values, such as the rule of law. One pupil said that PSHE helped them to understand 'risky situations' and to make the right choices. The school has a comprehensive relationships and sex education policy and scheme that is taught in an age-appropriate way.

Different subjects are at different stages of development. A few subjects are taught sporadically throughout the academic year. This limits pupils' ability to link new learning from their previous lesson.

Not all subjects are enabling older pupils to remember key knowledge, such as counting to ten in French.

Teachers understand the different needs of the pupils in their classes. Pupils with SEND receive the support they need.

Teaching assistants are well trained and highly effective.

Leaders make appropriate use of the funding available for disadvantaged pupils. Teachers are clear about who these pupils are and plan and use resources to meet those pupils' needs.

Pupils have good attitudes towards learning. They enjoy coming to school and most attend regularly. However, some pupils do not.

Sometimes pupils arrive late at school. Leaders need to work on these aspects because persistent absence and lateness affect pupils' achievement.

The multi-academy company has increased the school's capacity to share good practice.

The school also works closely with the local authority. The principal and senior leaders make a strong team that is determined to make further improvements. Parents say good things about the school.

All staff are proud to work at the school and say that leaders ensure their workload is manageable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff know safeguarding pupils is very important.

Leaders train staff so they know what to do if they have any concerns about pupils' well-being or safety. Records show that leaders understand the needs of vulnerable pupils. Quick responses provide support for pupils and their families when needed.

Leaders and governors check staff are suitable before they begin work at the school.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe both in their locality and when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Subject leaders within school are increasingly given ownership of their subject areas.

Some foundation subjects, such as design and technology and French, are not as well developed as others. Leaders should ensure that all subjects are planned coherently and delivered well from the early years to Year 6, so that pupils can make the best possible progress across the full curriculum. ? Pupils enjoy coming to school.

However, some pupils do not arrive punctually. This means they miss key teaching input. Leaders should continue to work with parents to reduce persistent absence and improve punctuality.

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