Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

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About Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

Name Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
Website http://www.trinityprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mrs Lisa Eadie
Address South Street, Taunton, TA1 3AF
Phone Number 01823284128
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 442
Local Authority Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy positive relationships with each other and with staff. They say the school is like 'one big family', which includes the school dog and pet tortoise.

Parents speak highly of the school. They value the individual care that their children receive.

The school has raised its expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Most pupils now live up to these. For example, pupils are keen to be the 'walkers of the week', awarded for moving around the school calmly. The school deals with low-level disruption well so that pupils learn successfully.

Pupils know and understand the school's values. They are eager to share their pledge to be kind and compassionate, ...for example. Pupils appreciate the range of extra-curricular opportunities that the school provides.

They take part enthusiastically in clubs, such as chess, cheerleading and gymnastics.

Pupils learn how to be active citizens. For example, they vote for 'class champions' and give presentations about important topics, such as equality.

Pupils learn how to keep safe and how to take care of each other. For instance, they enjoyed learning first aid by practising putting bandages on their teddy bears.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn a broad and ambitious curriculum.

The school has considered carefully the sequencing of this curriculum. For example, younger pupils get to know songs, rhymes and stories well. This prepares them to start to learn to read.

In the nursery and Reception Year, there is a sharp focus on the development of children's language and communication. This helps them to gain the vocabulary they need for future learning.

In each subject curriculum, the school has identified the most important knowledge and skills that pupils should learn.

For instance, in geography, pupils learn map skills and develop their understanding of local places, as well as others further afield. In the Reception Year, children start to learn about numbers. This helps prepare them to learn mathematical facts later.

Teachers have the subject knowledge they need to teach the curriculum effectively. However, teachers' use of assessment does not always identify how well pupils have learned the curriculum. Where this is the case, pupils sometimes develop misconceptions or have gaps in their knowledge.

This hinders them from building detailed knowledge and skills over time.

Most pupils enjoy reading. They start learning to read as soon as they join the Reception Year.

Initially, pupils read books which match closely to the sounds they have learned. As they gain confidence, pupils read books to improve their fluency. Pupils who need extra support receive it quickly.

The school identifies accurately the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). For some pupils with SEND, the school makes successful adaptations to the curriculum. Consequently, pupils develop their knowledge and independence well.

However, some pupils with SEND do not achieve well enough. This is because the curriculum is not designed carefully to meet their needs.

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning and are proud of their achievements.

Older pupils are keen to share their learning, such as pieces of writing displayed on the 'best work' wall. Younger children like to share their discoveries in the outdoor learning area, for example.

Pupils learn a well-devised personal, social and health education programme.

They know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy and how to stay safe online. Pupils learn how to talk about their feelings in ways appropriate to their age. This helps staff to meet children's emotional needs well, especially the very youngest.

Pupils learn about different religions and about the importance of tolerance and respect. They enjoy championing campaigns, such as Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils learn to appreciate difference and to celebrate the things they have in common.

Trustees and local governors understand their roles. They provide meaningful support and challenge to the school. They manage resources well and hold the school to account to bring about improvement.

While this is not reflected in the most recent published outcomes, current pupils receive a good quality of education.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They say that the school thoughtfully manages their workload and well-being.

Teachers receive useful professional development which enhances the teaching of the curriculum. Those newest to teaching value the support they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school does not use assessment effectively enough. As a result, pupils do not always securely learn the knowledge and skills they need for future learning. The school and the trust should ensure that they check whether pupils have learned the curriculum as intended.

• The school does not adapt the curriculum well for some pupils with SEND. Consequently, pupils do not learn the crucial knowledge and skills they need. The school and the trust should ensure they meet the needs of all pupils with SEND so that they develop their independence and achieve well.

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