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Pupils are proud to attend this nurturing and supportive school. Staff encourage pupils to 'soar on wings like eagles,' which is a central message within Holy Trinity's aspirational ethos. This ambition is also reflected in the school's broad and rich curriculum.
Pupils achieve well in national tests. This is because the school has the highest expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Staff work in close partnership with parents and carers, and the community, to deliver the best possible experience for all pupils. For example, role models from... the local area visit the school to talk to pupils about their experiences of working in science and technology. Pupils have the opportunity to use first class facilities in the local area for example in sport and computing.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are polite and courteous to staff and their peers. Pupils feel safe and know that there is always a trusted adult they can talk to if they have a concern.
Pupils thrive on being responsible and giving back to the community.
Pupils appreciate the extensive range of clubs they can choose to attend. These include chess, gardening, debating, robotics, and the choir.
Leaders encourage pupils to take part in these activities. This is because they see such experiences as important for developing pupils' character.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has a broad and ambitious curriculum.
It is well sequenced, enabling pupils to build up their knowledge as they move through the school. Leaders ensure that the curriculum reflects the diversity of their local community. For example, in history, pupils learn about many different civilisations such as ancient Egypt and Baghdad.
In the early years, staff provide high levels of support for children to develop their language and communication as well as their personal, social and emotional development. Children flourish in this supportive and purposeful environment.
The school's focus on early reading is at the heart of curriculum thinking.
From the start of Reception, pupils learn to read using phonics. Staff have been trained well and teach with precision. Pupils and those at the early stages of reading develop the phonic knowledge and skills they need to read with fluency.
Teachers make sure that pupils read books which match the sounds they know. They swiftly identify pupils who are not as confident and put in place a range of appropriate support. This results in pupils, including those with SEND or who are new to English, becoming confident and enthusiastic readers.
This love of reading continues throughout the school with the '40 books in a year' challenge.
Teachers set work for pupils which matches the aims of the school's curriculum. They have excellent subject knowledge.
Teachers choose activities that help pupils develop a greater depth of knowledge. For example, in science, older pupils can explain how sound and light travel using advanced vocabulary such as 'particles' and 'cochlear.' Teachers check pupils' understanding regularly and address any gaps in learning.
Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning. The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND with precision. Staff are ambitious for these pupils and ensure that they follow the same curriculum as their peers, with adaptations made to teaching if needed.
As a result, pupils achieve well and produce work which is of a high quality.
The school has established a comprehensive and age-appropriate programme to support pupils' personal development. The well-being curriculum reflects the school's emphasis on 'living life in all its fullness.'
Teachers explain sensitive topics such as consent and healthy relationships with care. Pupils have a voice in school life and take on positions of responsibility, including as class representatives and house captains. They are taught to respect different beliefs and cultures.
Pupils also enjoy a wide range of visits to places of interest, for example to the Tower of London as well as many art galleries and museums.
Leaders have robust systems for ensuring that pupils attend school regularly. They work with families and other agencies to ensure that pupils' welfare is carefully monitored.
This means that action can be taken if there are any patterns of concern. As a result, attendance has improved.
Staff are very positive about working at Holy Trinity.
They are proud to work in a school which cares and has such a strong community ethos. They appreciate the many professional development opportunities on offer. Governors fulfil their statutory responsibilities well.
They hold leaders to account for the quality of education at the school but also consider staff welfare. Parents, reflecting the views of many, say the school 'goes the extra mile' and is 'fabulous.'