Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

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About Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Name Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
Website http://www.holytrinityn17.ldbsact.org
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Christalla Jamil
Address Somerset Road, London, N17 9EJ
Phone Number 02088082588
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 177
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school provides all pupils with the chance to shine brightly, no matter what their starting points, circumstances or backgrounds. Pupils are valued, cared for and respected as individuals.

Pupils love coming to school. This is because they know that staff do whatever it takes to help them achieve highly. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary throughout the school.

Pupils try hard to embody the school's values in all that they do. They typically refer to a sentence from the school's vision, 'holding each other in the arms of love'. They said that this makes Holy Trinity a happy and welcoming place to learn.

On the rare occasion that bullying happens, teachers kn...ow exactly what to do to sort it out. Pupils said that if they feel worried about something, they would happily speak with any member of staff.

Pupils really enjoy all that the school has to offer.

They give particular praise to their teachers and the good friends they make during their time here. Pupils like their dedicated science playground where they can explore physics, chemistry and biology in action. They enjoy spending time in the school's 'tranquil area' and baking in the newly renovated children's kitchen.

Pupils are often out and about. They get to visit museums in London, for example, and undertake field studies at the nearby River Lea nature reserve.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a curriculum that allows all pupils the chance to develop a broad and rich set of experiences in each subject.

The curriculum is well embedded. Everyone knows what pupils need to learn and why they need to learn it. Pupils achieve highly.

They are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Leaders have planned each subject so that pupils' knowledge builds up securely over time. For example, children in the early years use rolling pins to move dough and learn to use scissors to cut wet spaghetti.

This prepares them well for future years when they learn to manipulate clay to make sculptures in art. In geography, pupils in Year 1 used what they learned about seasons in Reception to work out the names of different types of weather. Pupils in Year 6 managed to solve complex calculations by referring back to their knowledge of place value from Year 5.

Teachers think carefully about when pupils need to be introduced to new knowledge. For example, in Year 4, pupils are taught in science about electrical circuits. This coincides with when they make moving electrical models in design and technology.

Teachers make sure that pupils have the knowledge they need before they move on to something new.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive high-quality support because their needs are identified and understood. These pupils are expected to reach the same ambitious goals as their peers.

Teachers adapt tasks skilfully to make this happen. For example, pupils use picture cards to help them understand the meanings of words.

Children in the early years are highly motivated.

This excellent behaviour continues throughout all other year groups. Pupils are proud of their learning. They are keen to share what they have achieved.

For example, pupils with SEND brought to their review meeting the artwork they created following a trip to a gallery. Teachers check that pupils have learned and remembered what they have been taught. One of the ways they do this is by using online 'galleries' of pupils' achievements.

Pupils enjoy looking at these too.

Pupils learn to read confidently and fluently. All staff are trained in teaching phonics.

From the start of early years, staff are skilled at promoting pupils' language and communication skills. Teachers are clear about the key words that pupils need to read, spell, use and understand in each subject. This all contributes to pupils' achievement in reading and their ability to articulate their learning.

Pupils develop a deep understanding of themselves and others. Leaders have looked carefully at how the curriculum can help to develop pupils' character. For example, pupils in Year 5 learned about the rights of black American people.

At the same time, they deepened their understanding of character traits such as love and respect.

Pupils enjoy a range of opportunities designed to foster their talents and interests. For example, a number of pupils have passed examinations in steel pan drumming.

The 'junior leadership team' ensures that pupils' voices are heard. This influential group of young leaders debate and discuss the school's work. They organise events and raise funds for charities.

Staff are proud to work at this school. They said that the school's caring culture extends to staff as well as pupils. Staff feel very well supported to do their jobs effectively.

Leaders are considerate of staff's workload. They ensure that teachers spend their time and attention on the things that matter.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed robust procedures to ensure that pupils are kept safe. Staff know the risks that pupils and their families face in the local area. Leaders meet regularly with staff to discuss pupils' welfare and family circumstances.

They are alert to any signs that pupils might be at risk. Leaders act swiftly and effectively to deal with any concerns that arise.

Leaders ensure that suitability checks on staff are completed.

They make sure that staff have the training they need to implement safeguarding legislation.

Pupils are taught about keeping themselves safe, including when they are outside school. Well-thought-out projects teach pupils the risks of getting involved in gangs and managing the move to secondary school when it comes.

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